Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mega Gardening Inspiration

Wow. Here is your inspiration for the day.

It's a YouTube video about a family who grows all their own food on one-fifth of an acre in a Los Angeles suburb. It's eight minutes long and well-worth every inspiring second.

If it wasn't raining outside right now, I'd zip out to my yard and start gardening like a wild woman. 

May this inspire and encourage you, also.


And here is the family's blog. (Thanks, Lisa, for letting me know it appeared at the video's end!)



Lisa in Texas = ) said...

Very inspirational!! They do have a website and blog - did you notice that at the end of the youtube video?
Oh and I love your photo here as well-gorgeous!
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa :o)

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Wow! Well, neither you nor I live in a year round gardening area, but still. I am so impressed by these people and their dedication to their way of life. And I love how their neighbors went from thinking them all crazy people to appreciating them as something very special in their neighborhood, a true asset. It is inspiring.

Echoes From the Hill said...

That is a great concept, with one exception. I wouldn't want my three grown kids to live with me forever :)