Thursday, November 20, 2008

Outside our windows this morning...

This (above) is the same side of the house which you see in my new header. Quite the difference, hmmm?


... Paige said...

I think it may be a long cold winter this season. It is pretty for now.
And love those "grace piles"
for me it's the q-tips left on the bathroom counter after his is done with them. I pray they will always be there every morning.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

So, not to be too Pollyanna-ish, but when it looks like this you don't have to do yard work - and that's nice, even when we like some of it.
It's a winter wonderland here too, and the downside is when my son goes on the roof late at night to clear snow off the solar panels. So glad when he was back in the house safely!

Saija said...

we have lasting snow too ...
you will have fun, experiencing the 4 seasons in your new little haven ... :o)