Tuesday, December 03, 2024

December This and That

"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!"   --- Psalm 113:3


1.) Wow. I've watched some Hallmark-type movies lately, newer ones, and I've actually enjoyed them(!) Is the world ending or ?  ツ

Oh! And Tom and I both enjoyed the new Reagan movie. But then, we knew we would.

2.) What is the story only you can tell?  --

3.) Books I Finished Reading in November:

Moody's Stories, Incidents and Illustrations by D.L. Moody
Greystone Secret: The Strangers by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Paint the Town Dead by Nancy Haddock
The American Girl Book of Mystery and Suspense Stories by various authors
Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson
You Can Start All Over by Marjorie Hillis
The Green Turtle Mystery by Ellery Queen Jr.
A Minnetonka Summer by Borghild Dahl
Snowed Up by Rosalie K. Fry
Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You. A Robie Book.

4.) Wow. That Mr. Tesla could really think ahead, right?--

5.) Hooray! Open Library is fixed. Well, mostly. I missed them for weeks, the ability to access the hard-to-find (especially for a low cost) vintage books I love best. 
I did use Libby for the first time (thanks, Ann!), and discovered 2 good books there (yay!), but it's dependent upon what your library system owns and mine? They began disappointing me decades ago and that's when I seriously started collecting the books I love.
Which hey, means I should thank them that now the best library in all the state of New York dwells inside my house. For me.
Yet sometimes Open Library still gets glitches, so besides Libby, here's a list of other places to go (thanks much, Dolores, for sharing this!)

List of 15 sites where you can download millions of books for free.
1. Google Books
2. OpenCulture
3. LibGen
4. Internet Archive
5. Subbook
6. ManyBooks
7. OpenLibrary
8. Good Reads
9. Free-ebooks
10. Bookboon
11. PDFBooks World
12. Obooko
13. O'Reilly
14. E-BookLobby
15. Project Gutenberg

6.) Did we receive any of that crazy New York state snow last weekend? Nope. Whew. We, thankfully, live in the north towns, not those wild, always-snowing-it-seems, south town ones.

7.) I bought these lovely Christmas stickers last week. So nice! Came on a roll of 500 so should last a couple years. heh.

8.) I've thought much about this lately:

These are very different times so God will be doing new things through His people. Seriously, we have much to anticipate!

9.) And never forget! --

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Pam said...

"What is the story only you can tell?" That's one of those questions that should stay uppermost in our minds. I like it!

I hope you, Tom and Naomi enjoy these December days. They'll fly by, for sure. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the fact that Christmas is only a few weeks away.

Angela said...

Hi Deborah,

Just wanted to wish you a very blessed Christmas. : )

Terra said...

Helping others is a joy and Jesus calls us to do that, to be his hands and feet on earth. There is a couple in my church age about 80 who are a dynamic duo of helping others. The husband said recently that "the reason I do all this and serve is because I love doing it." This was in response to all the thank yous he got that day. They Love to Serve and inspire me to do more.

Sandi said...

Less than 100 years later Tesla was right!