Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Got Adventures?

"Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert."   --- Isaiah 43:19


My favorite Christmas presents? These, below: gifts from Naomi and drawn by the cat rescuer who gave us Poncho and Happy:

Blurry, but beautiful, right? (Enlarging may help.)

And speaking of Poncho, he sprints through our rooms like he's on a grand adventure. From window to window he seeks to spy the elusive outdoor cats, birds and squirrels and if you stand in his path? He might accidentally topple you--determination so fills his mind.

Poncho's spirit of adventure reminds me that the way we view Life matters. A fulfilling journey can happen anywhere, in any circumstance, as long as we avoid complaining, sulking and wishing for others' lives.

Go staying on God's individualized path, listen to His voice, catch His sense of purpose, and the journey begins to make sense.

In 2025 may we listen closer than ever. 

May we expect fresh, godly adventures--

--through creative ways of giving, 
of believing, 
of showing excellence,
and standing in the faith which replies,
"With God, in Time, all shall be well."

Just well? No, let's believe for incredible.

“Every new year is a new beginning, a chance to start fresh and write a beautiful story with your life.”
– Elsie Green

“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke

I've already determined this will be my:

Year of Excellence 
and a
Year of Giving. 

Have you given your new year a name or phrase yet?


Each December I look at my previous list of new year resolutions and rate how well I fulfilled them. Of course, a couple get a poor rating. But you know? The rest I mark with either, "Yes, I did that," "mostly did that," or "I partly did that."

And that's ok! At least I made goals and moved forward, even a few steps. I'd never want to live a goal-less life!


One resolution was to read at least 6 books per month. This year I averaged 8+. Remembering this resolution helped me press on during times I didn't feel like reading. 
I'm grateful for all the books of 2024.

Books I finished reading in December:

A Life for Christ by D. L. Moody
Town in a Blueberry Jam by B. B. Haywood
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder
How to Have Great Relationships with People by Sharlene Alexander
The Ghost of Follonsbee's Folly by Florence Hightower
It Gives Me Great Pleasure by Emily Kimbrough


Found this, below, today. What a fun, lovely reminder that we have others pulling for us: some here, some in Heaven.


Happy New Year, Everyone! It's gonna be full of good surprises. Waaait for it..................   ッ

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Pam said...

Thank you for this encouraging post to close out the old year and welcome 2025. I like Poncho's outlook. Our attitude affects us and everyone around us. Absolutely, yes! "The way we view Life matters."
The picture of the little boy heading out the back door with all the toy men and women cheering him on, really spoke to my heart. And your words, Debra, about all those who are in heaven, waiting and hoping for us to all be triumphant, brought tears to my eyes. So many of my loved ones are already there, and one of these days, I'm gonna cross the finish line. Praise be to our God who has saved us and prepared a place for us! Happy New Year Debra, Tom, Naomi, and fur babes!

Betsy said...

Happy New Year Debra! What a great photo of the little boy. I would love to believe that each of us here on earth have the same cheering squad each and every day.
I love thinking of Poncho tearing around the house. Our cat, George, did the same thing. How we loved that cat.
I hope your New Year is everything you wish it to be, working for the Lord in any way he leads me.