Saturday, November 23, 2024

When God Heals You in a Moment

"Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise...You turned my mourning into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy..."   --- Jeremiah 17:4, Psalm 30:11


Isn't it remarkable when God does something specific just for you?

Like the time I told you about out at the farm after the passing of Lennon The Cat. Or when He did something so unique after the loss of Betty, a dear online friend, even sending confirmation via a tv show the next day. 

Well, 4 days ago while upon our red couch, I gazed past the picture window to the chair Sally always used upon her porch. A space between the huge tree and her house enabled me, in the past, to see her profile as she contentedly gazed at her neighbors' homes and the river down the way.

But this day I only thought, "I sit here and look out that window every. single. day. and now that Sally's gone? It will just make me sad to never see her there again. Perhaps I'll keep the sheers closed. "

And that's when God came through once more. In a half-vision, half-imagination way, it's as though I suddenly watched Sally rise from her chair, step to the railing, and begin joyfully waving to me! 

With full range of motion, something she hadn't had for years.

Sally appeared 50 years younger. She glowed in a long white dress, wavy hair shining. And standing at the rail, waving to get my attention, she reminded me of Betsy Ray standing on a ship's deck waving farewell to friends below:

Except Sally was dressed more like this:

I stared while Sally waved and waved, as though to tell me she was off on a huge, new adventure! That Heaven was all she dreamed--and more. That she was healed, fine and free. And she'd see me again someday.

Wow. And remember how I'd thought looking over to Sally's porch would from now on sadden me? Ha! Now it's as though that image of her was burned upon my blue eyes. I gaze over there, my mind brings up that memory and I nearly envision her again.

Every. Single. Time. And now I feel such joy in the remembering.

Oh, how God wants to heal our hearts! And as long as we remain open to Him doing so, anyway He wishes, no fear, no boundaries allowed, He will do exactly that--

-- in ways meant just for us because He knows us better than we (think we) know ourselves.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."   --- Psalm 147:3


Not normally a big fan of Christmas movies, I truly enjoyed this special one  yesterday at Youtube.

And this one! Oh my, we both really loved The 12 Days of Christmas Eve. Especially me.  ツ

We'd not watched Welcome to Mooseport in eons, so it was fun seeing it again.


This can change us so much! --

If we'll never stop seeking, we'll never stop finding!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Pam said...

How good is our God!!! I rejoice with you over the sweet visions of Sally. I guess we shouldn't be surprised, because His love for us knows no limit. I have a feeling that you'll never ever forget what the Lord did for you, nor will you forget the renewed Sally. Thank you for sharing this with us, Debra!

Betsy said...

What a wonderful blessing God bestowed on you to let you see your friend Sally once again, renewed and healed in Heaven. You had a glimpse into what our life will also be someday.
I've had that Angel movie pop on on our youtube recommendations recently and would like to see it. The Harvest one you told us about had both of us laughing all the way through. You just cannot unsee all of those silk leaves and ribbon! lol
Blessings and hugs my friend,

loves2spin said...

How wonderful. God is so kind.