Don't you love that 'new' word?
New year, new beginning, new-found freedom, new mercies... I especially like, "He makes all things new...."
Boy, do I think of that one a lot. Of course, its meanings are myriad and varied, but on the thousands of average mornings when I'm cooking Tom's oatmeal--again-- and feeding the cats--again--and shoveling snow with my coat thrown over my robe--again--and, later, washing dishes--again--and straightening these rooms--again-- well, I'll take any drop of newness God can spare.
I so don't want to spend my allotted days just sleepwalking my way through them all bored and drudge-like. Homemakers can easily do that, you know, what with staying home within their oh-so-familiar walls. Yet if I enjoy the mundane then nothing is mundane. Or something like that.
Each morning I need Grace to make cooking breakfast feel new and making my bed feel new and the promise of hours ahead feel new, also. I need her to lift up my creative spirit when it sags and blow and breathe new life into my dreams when they deflate. For they do sometimes, you know.
And I'll tell you--with God and with all things being possible--Life, the daily kind, feels new every morning, afternoon and evening. But only as I allow Him to make me new--to change my old ways of thinking and doing and being.
And therein lies the secret. And the joy.
This blog has lots of cute decorating ideas inside and out.... Was surfing around this morning and discovered it.
New year, new beginning, new-found freedom, new mercies... I especially like, "He makes all things new...."
Boy, do I think of that one a lot. Of course, its meanings are myriad and varied, but on the thousands of average mornings when I'm cooking Tom's oatmeal--again-- and feeding the cats--again--and shoveling snow with my coat thrown over my robe--again--and, later, washing dishes--again--and straightening these rooms--again-- well, I'll take any drop of newness God can spare.
I so don't want to spend my allotted days just sleepwalking my way through them all bored and drudge-like. Homemakers can easily do that, you know, what with staying home within their oh-so-familiar walls. Yet if I enjoy the mundane then nothing is mundane. Or something like that.
Each morning I need Grace to make cooking breakfast feel new and making my bed feel new and the promise of hours ahead feel new, also. I need her to lift up my creative spirit when it sags and blow and breathe new life into my dreams when they deflate. For they do sometimes, you know.
And I'll tell you--with God and with all things being possible--Life, the daily kind, feels new every morning, afternoon and evening. But only as I allow Him to make me new--to change my old ways of thinking and doing and being.
And therein lies the secret. And the joy.
This blog has lots of cute decorating ideas inside and out.... Was surfing around this morning and discovered it.