Every day of my life I celebrate Easter, but Happy Easter to those of you who mostly celebrate it today! :)
My friend, Barbara, shared this at Facebook:
"If you are avoiding the call of the religious thinking of today's world, and instead are "looking unto Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2) setting your heart on what He wants, and thinking His thoughts, you will be considered impractical and a daydreamer." ~ Oswald Chambers
... and oh! Welcome to my world.
But you know? There is a price to pay for this joy inside my heart and I will gladly continue handing over my payment. I could buy a different type of life, a more accepted one amongst my Christian friends, even, but no thanks. I choose daily, eye-lighting joy with my Friend.
Wow! Loved this message this morning:
Life-altering stuff!
Tom and I had our taxes done yesterday morning. Whew. Don't you always feel like singing the Hallelujah Chorus when your tax return is over and done with for the year?!
And Tom's new job begins tomorrow, bringing changes to us both, some to my housekeeping ways. I'll need to iron more, be more organized in my shopping trips since I'll have the car less... you know, actually think ahead. Oh dear! heh.
Yet these next days and weeks will have more of a springtime, Suzy Homemaker dreaminess about them, and well, you already know how I feel about that!
Wishing you all much, much joy!
Confused by my title today? Go here. :)