Friday, October 25, 2024

Afraid After All These Years?

"We walk by faith, not by sight ... and no one shall take away your joy."   --- 2 Corinthians 5:7, John 16:22b


The short version of this post? -- 

God created us with the ability to choose adventure and joy, so why would we pick dread and worry, instead?


On October 1st I celebrated my 54th 'spiritual birthday', you know, when I gave Jesus my heart and trust and became a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

And on this past October 1st, I remembered that 11-year-old girl of eons ago and how, ever since, she's never felt alone. Lonely at times, yes, but never alone. And what else? Oh my, did she ever have mega stuff to learn.

Sheesh. What a fearful little gal she was! But now I can gaze backward and understand why God pretty much began yanking me out of jittery, wimpy pits of dread and fear of the silliest things. 

Over decades and by peeling back layers, He used vibrant, outgoing friends to help me lighten-up and desire a smile-worthy freedom. Other times, He used teachings from books or pastors or He taught me by lots of trial and error. 

Or He just silently tweaked me on the inside like a person standing, head bent, at a workbench with tools. God has abundant ways of setting us free, you know.

Well, I'm meandering, so let's get to today's point:

With all the thousands of hours and (literally) blood, sweat and tears Jesus has poured into me? What type of an example of His work would I be if I was all bug-eyed anxious and tense about the upcoming presidential election?

I mean, really. After 54 years of walking beside Him everywhere, should I still be apprehensive after all I've spied God do during my decades' long, incredible journey?

I think you know the answer.

These days, these past four years, especially, God reminds me that He's expecting me to--more than ever--walk by faith and certainly not by sight.

With great godly workings comes great responsibility. The more He pours into us, the more He expects us to know what we believe. To find peace in not wavering. To grow strong in Him and the power of His might. Stronger in joy. In gratitude. 

And in knowing with all our heart, that all will be well in Time because never will He leave us alone. Never.

"But we have the mind of Christ."   --- 1 Corinthians 2:16

Is the Holy Spirit within us worried about the future? Uh, no. So it would benefit us greatly to ask Him to show us His mind and thoughts in all matters. To crave His ways a million times more than our own.

If I'm a nervous wreck while waiting for God to answer a certain prayer, then I'm certainly not waiting in faith. And without faith? It's impossible to please God.


Small Yellow Vintage Cottage Home Tour (although Honey, some of those yellows are mighty intense, indeed. heh.)

Here's a book I'm reading during my quiet times:

It's like a workbook (old school word) and is filled with marvelous quotes about overcoming those daily fears which can hold us back from our best life.

What's incredible? God can give us the wisdom and boldness to handle anything dark standing in our path. And remember: He's brought you through 100 percent of everything you've ever experienced. You're still here!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Betsy said...

I've had a strange and unusual peace about this election. We voted yesterday. I've done my part and now it rests in the Lord's hands. He will give us what He deems best. I sure hope it's not what we deserve as a nation. Although, I'm still convinced that we won't be here long anyway, so call me crazy.
Blessings and hugs,

Pam said...

I will confess that I have needed to rely on God's word more and more when it comes to battling against fear and worry. Recently, I was visiting with two men at church. All of us are in our 70s, and they confessed that they have struggled with fear and worry more as they have grown older. (I sure did appreciate their honesty!) We all agreed that the Lord is our only hope. Over the years, I've collected Bible verses that have helped keep me on solid ground, but I have to remain vigilant in reading them and choosing to trust God. Sometimes the battle is quickly won, and other battles are ongoing. When our daughter was little, she has some fears. We got a Steve Greene video with kids' songs. One of her favorites was "When I Am Afraid I Will Trust in Him." She's a grown woman with children of her own, but she told me that she still sings that song when fears come. And I do too!

Pam said...

Correction: It's "When I am Afraid" by Steve Green. That video is just precious to me!