Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October This and That

1.) You've noticed some celebrities coming to Christ, right? To me, that's exciting and such an answer to prayer!

But it comes with a warning: 

Please, give them time to grow. Do not expect them to obey in months what God gave us years to learn (and do). Normally time, Bible study and experience with God are required to become the examples He created us to be.

And although I believe in these last days, we'll witness many accelerated things--still--may we:

Be kind. 
Stay patient. 
Pray for folks with joyful expectation.
And zip our lips of criticism.

I'm thinking doing the opposite just might grieve the Holy Spirit.

2.)  When the temptation's strong to stay stuck, may we choose to move forward with God, instead.

3.)  Does anyone else feel your head begin to hurt when you're watching a tv show or movie and suddenly a camerman waves a hand-held camera back and forth like it's some cool new way to film a scene?

Eegads. Sometimes we've even 'turned the channel' (old school term, I know), but yeah. I guess we could've tried fast-forwarding to see if he eventually knocked it off.  (Perhaps while on the verge of a full blown headache I can't think straight.) シ

4.)  Movies we've enjoyed lately:

Tornado Valley  --if you're in the mood for a not-too-cheesy disaster film.  heh.

5.)  I placed a miniature rose bush outside in a hanging basket and soon-ish the poor thing looked anemic-as-unto-death. 

Somewhere I'd read roses like tea so I seeped four bags of tea in two cups of water, let it cool, then watered the roses. The next week I repeated that and wow! Ever since, the rose bush has rallied and given me sweet yellow roses galore.

6.)  Here's something to remember: Politics is no longer 'just politics' when it affects our daily life.

May we choose wisely and do whatever God asks so to keep our life (and our childrens' future) as free and godly-inspired as possible.

7.) And as I added at Facebook:

Succinct things like these are a good place to start searching for answers. So often just making simple changes will fix our health--

8.) If you enjoyed Meg Ryan's apartment in You've Got Mail, you may like this recreated tour of it here.

9.) Truly, when I began my own Autumn season in July, it changed everything for me. Helped me focus on beautiful things rather than the hot, muggy and miserable ones. And now? It feels as though Autumn is a huge, peaceful, beautiful part of my year. It goes on and on and --

Really, the Bible even tells us to think about right, pure, lovely and of a good report things and if that's not Autumn, what is?  ツ

10.) At Youtube someone titled their video, "The American Dream is Dead. There is Only Survival."

Good grief! Please don't let that be your attitude, ok? 

Instead, I hope you'll speak what you'd like to see happen rather than the bad times of your present or past as though they're stuck in dried concrete forever.

Seriously, I'd rather be struck voiceless rather than ruin another person's hope for their future. 

Always may I be careful with my words and choose to believe God has wonderful things ahead for me and all who long to follow His ways.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

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