Thursday, October 05, 2023

Ways Heaven Is Changing My Days

"I am already in eternity." --- John Fenn


One of the books I'm reading during my morning quiet times? Susan Branch's, Autumn From The Heart of Home. Today I read this quote (and swooned) --

"All the way to Heaven is Heaven."   --- St. Catherine of Siena

I think that appeared nearly in bold type to me because lately I've also thought much about this--

"Your kingdom come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."  Matthew 6:10

After you've read books regarding Heaven and listened to stories of folks who've visited there, well, you're left with a comforted heart and a challenge to prepare here to one day live there.

At least, I've found that.

I mean, I sit at our dining room table to pay bills and immediately think, "Imagine! In Heaven I'll never sit down with envelopes, stamps, pens, etc., so to pay bills. Bills won't even exist! Nor will money.

Honey, that's one happy anticipation, indeed.  ツ 

Yet can I experience a tiny bit of Heaven on Earth regarding bill-paying? Yes, for I can sign-up to have at least some paid automatically online, ones I feel comfortable adding to my credit card (or Tom's). (We're not yet at ease with connecting bills online to our bank account. Perhaps that will arrive in time.)

So far, though, smile if you will, but yes. Automatically-paid bills do make my life on Earth, lovelier. Simpler. Sunnier, even.

In Heaven there'll be no cleaning of our homes(!), so now I seek ways to make Hobbit Cottage self-cleaning.

In Heaven, outdoors will be gorgeous (I'm thinking my neighborhood will be constantly autumnal), so now I spend much time outside, especially early mornings. I dip into my bookbag and bring out a delight to peruse, often gazing up at the sky and the river down the street.

In Heaven we'll all get along--no arguing or silent fuming or gossiping-- so here on Earth? I seek to do this-- 

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."   ---Romans 12:18

-- and of course, at times, that involves forgiveness.

In Heaven we'll use our 'helping gifts' (scroll down a tad) so here I try consistently to sharpen my gifting skills. How embarrassing to show-up in Heaven as a bumbling novice when I could have, with Grace, become a pro at kindnesses.

And in Heaven, people will overflow with gratitude for all God's love shown toward us and oh! How wonderful to practice that upon Earth, reaping much joy, especially during times when we're told Life's no longer good (it's glorious to prove them wrong by living and thinking differently).

Okay, there's more of course, yet this is only a blog post, not a book. You get the idea, right?

And I'll end here by adding this: what a comfort to learn about Heaven and to spend hours imagining it--not only for ourselves--but for those who've moved there before us. 

Why? Because we'll know we've grown closer to Heaven, to God, even while upon Earth, when we stop wishing our loved ones back. When we can be thrilled for their constant joy, their new experiences, their adventures in such a perfect, love-fueled place. When we accept they would not return here, even if given a choice.

And someday we will join them! Yet in the meantime, may we enjoy God here and love others and do our part to see His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

All with the strength of God's joy within us.

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."   --- Colossians 3:2

 “... that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭

In other words, there's much of Heaven we can begin living here if we'll simply ask God to show us how.


A special thanks to all who prayed for the removal of the cyst upon my head. The painless procedure went amazingly well! Oh how celebratory I still feel and really, how cool to no longer have a misshapened head.  ツ

---and what a blessing to view Ariel's new post while resting that procedure day upon the red couch. I considered that a personal gift from God (no, really).

And wow! This living room. I'd never seen so many different textures/treatments upon walls in one room, nor as many mixed patterns--but it all works together (a lesson, indeed)! I absolutely love every detail, but oh dear. This is another one my minimalist friends will want to skip watching. heh.


... and did you know there's a book town in Scotland?!  ... and that NYC still has many decades-old bookstores? Wow. Makes me want to rethink my never having visited there.  ツ

If we're consistently living with the same sort of misery of those who haven't yet met Jesus, well, something is wrong. But Jesus can correct all that! In fact, most likely, He's at this moment, trying to do so. One step at a time He can lead us out of any darkness and bring us into light. All it requires is our willing obedience and surrender.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. " prepare here to one day live there."

    That is the meaning of life.

  2. There is a lot of joy in being a Christian, we are reading Philippians in Bible study now, and that is called the most joyful of New Testament books. When we get to heaven we can chat with all our favorite authors like Susan Branch and C.S. Lewis, won't that be fun?

  3. I'm so glad you mentioned Susan Branch's book, Autumn. When we moved to our little home, I donated many cookbooks, but I could not part with those by Susan Branch. They are a work of art. This morning, I pulled out my copy of Autumn, and I plan to stand it up on the kitchen counter and flip through it during this wonderful season. I don't know where it is located, but one of my favorite sayings in that book says, "...if I were a bird, I'd wing my way around the world to live in autumns." The wording is not exact, but you get the picture.

    I appreciate your encouragement to think about heaven. When the struggles of our life and the entire world weigh us down, what a delight it is to think about heaven. One of these days, we WILL be there, Thank God!!!

  4. What a great and encouraging post. All of your posts are thought provoking, but this one really touches my heart. So often I am just longing for Heaven but I probably should be looking for Heaven here, as you said. Although nothing can REALLy prepare us for the reality, we can still pursue it.

  5. Came back again.

    "All the way to Heaven is Heaven." --- St. Catherine of Siena

    Amen 🩵💜


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