Tuesday, October 10, 2023

October This And That

1.) Well, I'm on a journey to live a new way inside my same old house. Part of that involves not just making things prettier, but easier on this aging ol' body of mine.  ツ

So rather than repainting, every 3 years, this kitchen dresser top, I placed my marble cutting boards together, creating (what feels like) a new countertop--

This feels niftier, covers the scuffed top, although technically, one day I may replace those with white marble or perhaps a piece of granite. We'll see.

But I do love 'shopping my house' whenever I can for improvements as I also did with this, below--

2.) Back in all the chaos of 2020, Tom began working from home. Answered prayer, really.

Yet in 3 years never did I think to remove my so-favorite painting from his office where he spends tons of time, but I never do.

So now beside me on the red couch where I loll away my days (heh), that painting hangs, nearly feeling like a hug:

How incredible that such a tiny change could make me love a whole room more and--

--it reminds me of how, last week, Joyce Meyer shared Philippians 4:8, the verse about thinking lovely thoughts, (etc.), then she added, "Do your best to surround yourself with beauty".

Appreciated that, and perhaps that's my underlying motivation for these recent changes to my home. It's easier to consistently think admirable thoughts when you're surrounded by Spirit-led creativity. 

Complaining will only ruin everything.

3.) How did I not know, until the lovely autumn ladies (scroll way down) told me, that a Fall Bucket List was a thing? Sheesh. And here I've been a year-around autumn lover for decades.

Anyway, Etsy has tons of those lists you can download, but I wanted this metal one from Amazon, instead--

Now it hangs merrily upon our fridge front (all alone) and I'm more grateful than ever for my daily video dose of lovely autumn ladies.

4.) Need some inspiration to switch over your clothes closet for autumn and winter? This lady makes it an art form.

5.)  The books I finished reading in September:

Truly, Madly, Sheeply (absolutely loved this new autumnal book by Heather Vogel Frederick)
Be Joyful (by Joyce Meyer)
Isle of Dreams (by Susan Branch)
The Cat, The Quilt, and the Corpse (by Leann Sweeney)
The Summer Book (by Susan Branch)

.... oh, and for fans of Joanne Fluke's books, Open Library has many of them available.

6.) Yesterday I watched two outstanding videos which clearly explained to me what is happening in Israel--and why. Go here and here. And pray, oh my goodness, do pray.

7.) We watched a marvelous biographical movie: Dreamin' Wild. Wow, I'd never seen a more encouraging-to-each-other family. Highly recommended, especially if you are a musician (or know some) or if you're a fan of Beau Bridges.  ツ

8.)  Isn't this abandoned library wild and mysterious?

9.) Something I've thought about lately:  
these are very different times so God will be doing new, life-changing things through His people. 

Hang in there!

10.) Oh! And just a reminder to always check Bookfinder before buying books online. They show you where to find books for the lowest prices available.  I nearly forgot last week, but doing so saved me $8 on a book. So worth it!

Now more than ever we need to resolve not to be shaken. This is a "these times must come" example, and with Jesus standing beside us, within us, we need not fall apart like those who've not yet met Him.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Thank you for the links to Glenn and Dr. Turley. I like them both. I didn't watch the videos because I know. Lord, come quickly and save Israel.

  2. A post full of great ideas, fun things and things to help us learn too. With all of our moves in the past few years, I've learned how to shop my own furnishings and other items too. It sure saves money and moving is expensive enought! I'm so grateful that we've found what will hopefully, be our last home here on earth and we love it. No stairs, no yard work or snow removal and an elevator for "someday".
    I pray for Israel constantly it seems. It's not a big surprise that it's all happening, and yet I pray for the innocent ones who are caught up in the bigger picture.

  3. Debra, when I open your posts it's like receiving a gift. Beautiful photos, Bible-based encouragement, links to educate and entertain us, and more between the lines.

    Gosh, the woman "Little Women..." has perfected clothes folding/storage.

    Thanks for the Glenn Beck link. I already listened to him, and hope to listen to the other one now.

    I love that painting near your couch.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.