Thursday, September 28, 2023

My Early Autumn Days

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace......  that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”"   --- 1 Peter 4:10, 1 Timothy 6:18


So I'm watching those Youtube videos where lovely women share their Autumnal celebrations with us. You know, with their --

pumpkin-flavored coffee, 
Fall crafts,
comfy sweaters, 
strolls through the woods,
soothing music, 
autumn-centered movies,
bookstore visits 
and their red, brown, gold and orange seasonal home decor.

Oooo... Color me addicted-but-who-cares?  シ

Sometimes? I'm surprised when I discover most of these ladies are married, for their videos illustrate the peacefulness and beauty of hours spent in worlds of their own intricate, imaginative making.

And as I share with you once each year, it's vital to craft a warm, sweet, much-treasured part of our life. One where it's us and Jesus, then whatever else adds vibrancy to our days and heart.

Something no one else can snatch from us, no matter what the reason, even by their sudden, sad disappearance. (Yes, Heaven forbid that last part.)

But still, even so, what I've noticed during my 60+ years is the happiest Christian women have all created something uniquely theirs, usually involving a God-given gift they've perfected over the decades.

And today I'm simply saying I hope you, my friend, have found, crafted, and built upon a creative task like that, also. Something yours, yes, but something-- a base, if you will--from which you can add beauty to the lives of others, as well.

As you were created by God to do.

The saddest women I know? Those who sit in their chairs waiting for someone else to come along and fix their life-gone-wrong.

Here's another, different one, of my posts which may help: Why Create a Life Of Your Own?

"Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."   --- Romans 12:6


My current season is a redecorating one. (Love those.)

For months I'd craved the perfect thing for the window sill above our kitchen sink, but couldn't find it. That is, until I recalled this iron thing, below, out on our front porch.

I brought it inside, washed it off, placed it there--and felt such contentment, greatly appreciating the autumnal vibe, what with the leaves and grapes.

And one-fourth of my hutch top just didn't look right, again, for months. Then, probably because of watching the in-love-with-Fall-ladies, I thought to place autumn-colored books there. And again, instant contentment.

I ordered a white tea kettle to replace the stainless steel one I'd never really liked (free with store credits eons ago). I also replaced my large silvery-designed crockpot with a smaller, easier to handle plain white one (only $2.90 using credit card rewards).
Oh, and our house number sign arrived yesterday. Lovely against the yellow, just as I'd imagined.

I read that our winter isn't due to be severe this year (hooray!), and yet I'm feeling an inner deadline to get all this ordering finished beforehand, including my usual stocking of the pantry.

And with Grace here to help with these? It's all so enjoyable, step by slow, doable step.


Here's a very autumnal-feeling older book which you can read at Open Library. One of my new favorites.

For those who prefer more traditional home decor, here's a lovely Youtube video. Wow. Some gorgeous rooms there.

And here are some of the ladies with the special autumnal videos: lots more. See how many you can find!


Last weekend we watched such a sweet, biographical movie. It's called A Million Miles Away and we saw it 'free' via Prime. 

--and weeks ago at Youtube we watched a Biography video of Kenny Rogers. Loved that, also, and we were all teary-eyed by the end.

We need what God created you to share with us!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I agree with you whole-heartedly. God did indeed give each of us a gift if we but look for it inside ourselves. I know one lady who is the best encourager I've ever met. No matter what your circumstances, she'll have you smiling and praising the Lord before she's done with you. I've often wondered what my gift is, but I think it's probably my crafting for others. Especially those in the hospitals, but the homeless and low-income children in our schools also.
    I like the decorating you've done. I've toned ours down tremendously this year. Just a few pumpkins out and a sign that tells of autumn blessings.
    Take care my friend and thank you for your encouraging words to us today.

  2. Absolutely! We definitely need to live a life that is pleasing to God, and His plans for us. I believe He brings couples together for His work, but He also gifts each of us to do those things that he created us for. I can't remember the wording, but there's a saying that when you have found your calling, it doesn't feel like work. I believe that.

    Debra, is the procedure history? If so, how are you feeling? Prayers for a speedy recovery!!! Hugs

  3. Betsy--definitely one of your main gifts is all that lovely knitting you do for others! Never doubt again, ok? The gifts I often write about are those we will faithfully use in Heaven so to bless others and keep 'Heaven going as it should'. Gifting our art and food and books and crafts and ---its' endless. It's all really so simple, too, and I'd like to try harder for people to see that. Thanks for reading and commenting!

    Pam--thanks so much for asking about the cyst procedure. It was a breeze! I am feeling absolutely celebratory still even today.

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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