" ... stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." --- Luke 21:28
So the Good News: Since moving to Hobbit Cottage 11 years ago, I've been sick only twice--
A town-wide bronchial thing, the other time, a cold. (I don't count the occasional sinus or stomach issues since they arrive only after foolishly pretending I'm 30 again and can eat anything.)
Yet the Bad News: Since the day before Thanksgiving, I've had what feels like 'old lady vertigo'. (Don't be offended: I'm the old lady in this story.) Lean my head down and woooo. Dizzy City. But only for seconds.
Nothing hurts, nor does my brain feel like it gained 10 lbs. Mostly I feel fine, well, until yesterday. Then I felt sinus-y and tired. But by late afternoon I felt fine again. And less prone to dizziness.
How odd to feel relieved that it's probably a slight inner ear infection. **Or not! (See below.)
Of course, as when anything's un-right, I've done my usual online research then taken the natural vitamins which seem fitting. And added a higher, fluffier pillow. Sat on my bed's edge awhile before rising. Etc.
All of it helps. (What did we do before the Internet, well, besides galloping to doctors?)
Anyway, one website said older folks with vertigo often feel helpless, down, depressed and as though their good days ended. Immediately I thought, "Well hey! I'm not going there."
Helpless? With the Holy Spirit living inside me? Uh, no. I refuse to be one of those Christians who constantly complains, then misses all the miracles, like the one where two much-anticipated books (from different sellers) arrived in yesterday's mail. Plus, a stack of puzzle books. Oh, the sweet timeliness of a full mailbox!
Anyway yes, if this persists much longer I'll see a doctor. But in the meantime I'll keep looking up, searching for answers and moving forward in hope and belief and joy--
--because 'in Him I live and move and have my being'. And Life with Jesus, even in 2022, is still so very good.
**Hooray! Most likely the problem is this, instead (a blockage in my ear canal). Thanks so much, Pam, for sharing the video in the comments! I'm trying what the doctor recommended and am finding it works. Whew. It even involves looking up, literally. Loved that.
And as I shared at Facebook--
Just read this sentence in a book. Loved it.
"Often what he hoped for didn't happen, but something deep inside never stopped him from hoping."
--- from Home From The Hill by Margaret J. Baker
Hooray! Another Ariel video. She made lovely changes to her bedroom this time.
Bunny Williams' NYC apartment. Really, her sense of style inspires me!
Mindy Mom does it again with easy holiday meals.
And here's one more cardboard snowflake idea.
These are supposed to help with vertigo:
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
B Vitamins like 12 and 6
Grapeseed Extract
Ginger Root
And what I've added because I believe in them:
Avoiding milk products
Adding foods like tuna, salmon, chicken, peanut butter, avacados, beans, bananas, walnuts, etc.
Skipping high fat or sugar foods, caffeine, alcohol, nuts, etc.
Drinking extra water
Making my pillows as high as I can still sleep on them.
Using a hot wash cloth so to help drain my sinuses.
Oh, and every winter I keep water steaming on the stove so to avoid dry air sinusitis. Makes a huge difference in how both Tom and I feel.
Doing the Canalith Repositioning Maneuver
What I'm Reading:
The Mystery of the Locked Room by Carolyn Keene
Christmas at Fairacre by Miss Read
Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild
Home From The Hill by Margaret J. Baker
Currently there's an attack against marriage going on in this world, but Tom and I? We have loved our 44 years together as man and wife. (We talked about it last night so I know he agrees.) 
Happy anniversary to the best guy out there, ever!

Happy anniversary to the best guy out there, ever!
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15