Saturday, March 15, 2025

"Take the Winter Off," They Said. "You'll Love Resting Like The Trees Do," They Said.

"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."   ... Proverbs 31:17


Debra's story: a cautionary tale. 


Back in December, some favorite dreamy-eyed Youtubers encouraged us to take Winter off. To recharge. To relax like God made trees to do and to hibernate like bears. They promised if we lolled around reading books, listening to music, watching inspiring videos and drinking gallons of cocoa, we'd feel refreshed, restored and strong by Springtime.

I thought, "Hey! That makes sense. I'm gonna try it." So I did.

What an idiot.  シ

Maybe those 20 and 30-year-olds can get away with a winter 'slugcation', but not someone in her 60's! Sheesh. By Winter's end, my legs felt like a stranger's. Not mine, but a wimpy someone else's who I had to learn to use, very unsteadily, especially on uneven ground (aka our entire yard).

And then days ago I saw this Youtube video title: 'Death Starts In Your Legs'.  Yikes! Yikes! Soon after, I watched, 'Why I Regret Moving Into a Nursing Home' and really quaked after that horror film.

Basically both those videos stressed that the goal is not to make our lives easier, simpler(!) No, the goal must be to keep ourselves (our legs, especially), strong

So much for remaining a follower of Lillian Gilbreth when one reaches 65.

Now yes, of course, there's balance. Making things easier, but not too easy. And there are times of surgeries and sickness when one needs weeks off on the couch. I totally get that.

But the normal, everyday times or even winters where our streets have an ice skating rink sheen? We can still keep our legs strong at home. Oh, the ideas one finds online for indoor exercise!

So there you go. Another example of something I experienced so that, hopefully, you won't have to. You can still create a dreamy, peaceful life, but--

Keep moving.
Keep moving.
Keep moving--

--for as long as you can. Your independence and health depend upon it.

And yes, I'm slowly regaining my leg strength, one day at a time. (Fortunately over winter I ate healthy for other annoying reasons, so I didn't gain weight, just lost core and leg strength, that's all. ha!) 

Are we having fun yet?

Oh and tomorrow I'm turning 66, but you know? I'm feeling grateful to be aging into a new, different year. Sixty-five was oh so rough, Honey, so I'm anticipating a clean, lovelier slate.  (Weeks ago I put in an early order with God for a warm, sunny birthday weekend and He came through--woo hoo!)


This felt like a birthday present from God: a favorite movie reacted to by favorite reviewers! (Hey, it's the small things ...)


Ha! Talk about making Life too easy sometimes ....

... and gotta love this encouraging idea!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

When You Can't Move Forward Without First Saying Good-bye


Gracious. Who pressed Life's fast-forward button?   

Anyway, before I move on, please read this:

Where was I these past weeks? Working on the first part. The acceptance stuff. (I also twisted my ankle, which I'll skip, lest my blog become even more Old Lady Debra's Woes-ish.)

Last time I mentioned taking weeks off to heal from 2024. But you know? It turned into more.

It became a time for this middle-sixties lady (who's got a birthday on Sunday, some cabin fever and feels like she's stepped into Elderly Land) to say good-bye to her younger self.

Good-bye to walking quickly. 
To vacuuming, then dusting, washing dishes, then laundry; all in a half hour.
To driving around, running errands, then returning to paint a bedroom.
To friends who vanished and those who departed this Life.
To faraway vacations, real coffee and sugar-infused desserts.
To buying one more house, a blank canvas, upon which to splash around my creativity.
To released dreams not sampled for their validity.

And yet? God and His blessed sense of balance! He sprinkled down vital hello's, as well.

Hello to yet-undiscovered books I'll read and love. To as-of-now unwritten movies and tv series, also.
To wonderful friends I've, as of today, not yet met.
To people I'll help and encourage.
To creative ideas, seeds I'll plant and projects I will imagine. To words I'll someday write.
To lovely things I'll learn, see, experience and miracles God will do in this Earth. To healthy habits I'll form.
To new dreams some year to be born.

And to Heaven. Someday there will be a glorious Heaven.

So what I'm thinking matters much? That I release the good-bye's. Let them fade, not crowd my head, so that I'll gain arm-spreading room in which to skip and travel forward--

-- while rejoicing. Weightless.

Acceptance is not an admittance of defeat, but rather, an acknowledgement that God's created a new thing for us in the road ahead.

(And I'm thinking this post may be one only those who have 'been there' will understand.)


This felt like a present from God:  Lincoln Highway Road Trip Part 1. (I'd hoped for a video like this at least 4 years.) And here is Part 2.

Anyone else feeling like they've complained too much lately? This may help: Quit Yer Bellyachin'.  シ

And did I already recommend this movie? Fly Me To The Moon. (Some language, not a lot.)

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."   from Isaiah 43

And let's end this with a fitting smile.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

Friday, February 28, 2025

Checking-In From My Vacation

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”   --- Matthew 11:28-30


Still here! Mostly.  シ 

Don't faint or anything, but Tom and I haven't taken a 'real vacation' since 2015. Partly, we've 'created a life we don't need a vacation from', but we have other excuses reasons, as well.

So! Sometimes I take days/weeks off upon the red couch and gaze out the big picture window and read, watch Youtube videos, think, pray, and spend extra time with God. Oh, I still keep up with housework, but in a couple minutes at a time, more relaxed way.

I'd call it a staycation, but that sounds far too formal.

Though truthfully, I still, sometimes, must push away the shoulds and oughts on these vacation days. You know, give myself permission to lighten up. Sit around a lot. Relax. Not feel I should be encouraging others (that's the hardest one for me).

This vacation, via Youtube, I've watched tons of the old Unsolved Mysteries show (I know, I know), fast-forwarding through the supernatural/too violent/just plain weird segments. Not only does this series teach what not to do, but also that We Should All Be Super Grateful We're Still Alive. heh.

Yet partly this vacation is helping me heal more fully from my 2024. Gah, a year I'd rather forget. God's still healing me from the tragedies and big changes (health and dietary-wise) I've needed to make--and I love that He gives me personal days, especially to work through additional layers of acceptance.

I appreciate that He shows me ways to not allow those changes to kidnap my attention nor distract me. To not center my thoughts around growing older. I'm still stepping out of that foggy road.

Anyway, weeks ago I switched to a Keto diet, which hey, is mostly awesome, doable, and beneficial for my gotta-balance-my-hormones-better challenge. Both Tom and I are benefitting from it.

But yeah, saying farewell to flour is sad and yet? I've felt much grace (much. grace.) in this good-bye. Mostly now I can watch travel show folks eating donuts and sugar-stuffed desserts and feel happy for them (only occasionally muttering, "Enjoy those while you can, buddy.").

Nothing on this Earth, I remind myself, lasts forever and in Heaven? I'll be able to eat the flour-made desserts up there. All of them. (The lovely, positive thing about growing older is that it means you're farther up the path to Heaven.)

Anyway, in the meantime? I'll celebrate the tons of blessings still flowing my way. Family, friends, cats, my sweet home and books and life with God. All of it, so extremely good. 

And daily I'll keep repeating, "I love this life You've given me." 

I do. I really do, even in the midst of the aging, the tweakings and the changes I'm still growing used to.

When God wants me to take time off, who am I to feel all guilty about doing so?  Hmm?

Rather than carry around our gaping wounds, it's vital that we allow God to heal us so we can freely move forward and help others.


A delightful travel video: 48 Hours in Colorado Springs.

Anyone else remember this song?

And this may sound kinda pathetic, but when Tom and I finished rewatching the series, Grimm, I got all teary-eyed. Man, I did not want that show to end! 
I'm trying to recall another series where I loved all the characters as much, (even the ones you couldn't quite trust), but as of yet, I can't.
(And again, it's not a show for everyone. I totally get that.)


Books I Finished Reading in February--

A Roost and Arrest by Hillary Avis
Born in a Barn by Hillary Avis
It's Bright in My Valley by Jerome Cleveland
The Finders Keepers Library by Annie Rains (absolutely loved this!)
Sawdust in His Shoes by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Forever, Erma by Erma Bombeck
Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe by Jo Watson Hackl


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15