Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Heaven and the Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda's of Life

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."   --- 1 Corinthians 13:12


Okay, so some coulda, woulda, shoulda's are only meant to make us feel guilty. And slow our progress. Discourage us.

"Man, when I was younger, I could have become a _____ (fill in the blank with an important-sounding profession).

"I would have changed the world if I'd have had a different upbringing or  opportunities."

"I should have made more money while I had the chance."

That's not what I'm writing about this morning. 

No, I mean the truth; the coulda, woulda, shoulda's we might feel after entering Heaven when we see clearly what God had designed us to do.

You know, the tasks we ignored because they seemed insignificant. 
The kindnesses we procrastinated until they became impossible. Too late.
Or the thoughtful words we held back.
The emails, cards and encouraging media posts we did not send.
The love we failed to show.
The condolences we hushed.
The gratitude we did not express.

(That list came quickly to me. Gee, I wonder why. Gulp.)

I believe God placed us upon Earth with customized, specific plans. Always, He's tinkering with our hearts, showing us the unique direction we should take... and who will accept what He sent us, specifically, to give.

And it's thoughts like these which keep me mailing Valentine's to friends year after year. If almighty God nudges us to do a thing--then to Him? It's not tiny at all, but rather, important. Dare I say, vital.

In different words, I believe it's time to think ahead. Way ahead to the day we're standing (kneeling?) in front of God, giving an account of our short time here.

Whew. What a day that will be. Yes, scary, but less so if we early chose to obey God, even in tasks which appeared miniscule.

Who knows but if those tiny things were actually the huge ones?

“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
― Laura Ingalls Wilder

Are you fulfilling your destiny?


Happy Valentine's Day in advance to you who are in my 'village', each of you who help keep me writing here, doing one of the things God placed me upon this Earth to do.

Truly, thank-you much!


Movies we enjoyed recently:

Lost On a Mountain in Maine  Based on a true story. We loved the interspersed short interviews with folks actually there in 1939.

So Be. It.  Extremely quirky. Unique. A tragedy happens near the end (not to the little girl, exactly. She's ok.), in case that's a trigger for you.

The Last Rifleman. Based on a true story and really, a remarkable movie. (Some war violence shown in retrospect.)

All of My Heart.  A fun Hallmark film I watched alone. シ

And if you like cozy mystery books, here's a movie in a very typical cozy mystery format.


Okay, this woman was inspiring (and oh my, that porch! I'd have to have one like it if I lived in a tiny house.)

I've seen tons of tiny houses, but this one has so much storage, that maybe you could bring everything from your large house with you. heh.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Robin in New Jersey said...

It's fun being part of your village! Valentine mail is so much fun! Thanks for being so sweet and encouraging. You are a blessing!

Sandi said...

"Who knows but if those tiny things were actually the huge ones?"

I think this too.

Betsy said...

Like Robin, I love being part of your village. Thank you for the sweet Valentines and stickers. I love them. Thanks for the movie recomendation too. It looks really good.

Pam said...

Happy Valentines Day everybody! Where would we be without love? It changes everything and everybody forever. Count me in as part of the village, too. I like it here!

Debra said...

Robin--you're most welcome! You are a delight in my life and I always appreciate your letters and comments. Thank-you for being you!

Sandi--sounds like we're on the same page--again! :) Thanks for commenting.

Betsy--you are very welcome and I'm happy you enjoyed what I sent. Let me know if you watch any of the movies, ok? Well, if you liked any of them....haha! :)

Pam--and I enjoy that you are part of my village! Thanks for all your encouragement through the years and yes! Love is vital, indeed to our lives today and for the one to come. <3

Thank-you, Everyone! Blessings, Debra