"Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions." --- Ecclesiastes 7:10
My blog, my perspective, ok Folks? シ
We've all heard this garbage stuff, right? ---
C'mon. Seriously?
My nearly 66 years have required me to make tons of changes so that I can keep going till the end of this wild race (Hebrews 12:1).
You know, as opposed to falling apart way early, then limping along, all whiny.
Changes like--
While younger, I could eat anything. Anything.
But now? No way. I developed certain food allergies and various other foods create problems for my problems. heh.
In past seasons I could do housework or gardening steadily for hours, but now? After working 15 minutes or so, I sit and rest/read/watch Youtube. You know, to recharge the ol' battery inside.
When a body part begins to fizzle out (ha), I must do online research to discover what's wrong and how to repair it. Often a dietary change is necessary or additional vitamin supplements and also, I must search for new recipes or tweak old stand-bys.
I used to pride myself on being low-maintenance, but Honey, lately? Nope, this ol' gal is living in High Maintenance City and oh boy, the acceptance issues she's worked through. Sheesh.
During earlier seasons, I enthusiasticly drove around various towns so to shop or go out for coffee. These days? Shopping online and drinking cocoa in front of my laptop is my idea of a rollicking good time.
When I remember something I must do, I cannot spin around to go do it, lest I become a tad dizzy. (That's a crazy habit I had to break.) Also, I step more carefully now.
When I wish to remember to do certain tasks later, I must write them down--or else.
I'm often decluttering 'after the party', while considering Naomi's life after I'm gone and my new heavenly one. You know, preparing for both.
During these later years I'm always asking the Holy Spirit for His wisdom rather than my own bright ideas. The Bible says wisdom will save our lives and oh my, I've found that factual.
Acceptance that I can't do things the same old way.
Not wishing for past seasons.
Not saying the old days were better.
Learning to focus on just one thing at a time.
Accepting a shift in priorities.
Discovering new ways to live a simple, daily life.
All these are just a sampling of the changes my age/body/mind have required of me, especially the past two years.
And you know? With Jesus, it's still a very good life and I'm anticipatory of the days to come. As long as He remains with me, helps me fix what breaks, everything will be ok.
We'll make it together, even as circumstances continue to change. In joy, even.
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." --- 2 Timothy 4:7
One thing I love about aging is my increasing reliance upon Jesus. Every hour, every moment, I so need Him.
Places to go--
My current favorite instrumental music video. This one comes in second.
Hidden Rooms and Secret Furniture. (This made me smile and inspired me, too!)
Oh, and we finally watched The Best Christmas Pageant, Ever (I'd waited three long months) and absolutely loved it! Tom cried more than I did, but what else is new? ツ
Books I Finished Reading in January (yeah, a few too many cozy mysteries)
God's Perfect Timing by Rev. J. Martin
Three Bird Summer by Sara St. Antoine
Do One Thing Every Day That Makes You Happy: A Robie Book
A Cop and a Coop by Hillary Avis
The Case of the Calico Crab by August Huiell Seaman
A Flock and a Fluke by Hillary Avis
The Riddle of the Red Whale by Edward Fenton
Jellies, Jams and Bodies by Donna Walo Clancy
Jam Up and Jelly Fright by Donna Walo Clancy
Murder with a Hint of Pumpkin Spice by Laura M. Drake
Never fear! Springtime will come again someday soon.
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15
Hi Debra, Another great post. I'm glad you watched the Christmas pageant movie. It really was good. I cried along with Tom. :-)
You're right, as we get old, we slow down a lot. Or at least watch what we're doing more. I turned 65 on Saturday. I don't feel any older but my body knows I am. All of the sudden I have a bunch of doctor appointments for things I didn't know I had two weeks ago. What's up with that?
I think your book list looks great. I enjoy cozy mysteries too and like to listen to them on audio book from the library while I knit or crochet.
Take care and stay warm. The wind here was bitter cold today. 20mph from the north. I think the arctic, it was SO cold. :-)
Blessings and hugs,
While reading this, I just kept nodding in agreement. So many life changes as we age...and just as many choices. We might feel a bit rusty (or broken) but we still have the chance to choose how we will respond. Sometimes a person just has to laugh. Yesterday, my husband and I were getting in his truck to go to an appointment. I actually paused to figure out the best way to get myself hoisted up into my seat without using my left shoulder and right knee. Those are my sore spots this week, lol Yes, all of our challenges give us the opportunity to run to our sweet savior who has promised to stay with us, lead us, and even carry us. Great post Debra!
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