Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Year I Did Things Differently

"Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, as for the Lord and not for men, because you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as your reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."   --- Colossians 3:23, 24


It's a new day and I feel all anticipatory!

But last month, oh dear. I felt all 'been there done that oh hum'.

I remember thinking, "At my advanced age, I've done everything. Over and over. For decades. The years were wonderful, but now there's much I can no longer do and my days feel like old reruns with no surprises. BORing."

Uh-oh! Immediately inside I 'heard' a voice quip, "Well, whose fault is that?"

So I asked God to help me mix things up. To make new discoveries, do tasks differently, to stop procrastinating and most of all--to change my so blah attitude.

And my oh my. He really does give us great ideas when we ask! I mean, here are just a few examples--

He reminded me I could read books I generally wouldn't have chosen before.

And I can more consistently thank people, including those who make Youtube videos which have inspired or helped me.

I can set aside additional money to give to those in need.

I could learn more about organic food and natural remedies and also pass along to others the information I glean.

Or I can send more surprise gifts to folks, asking God that they arrive when most needed. I can more consistently encourage others and keep a clear focus on all that God's called me to do.

I can more faithfully express condolences to those online who lose loved ones. I can more often pray for others and spend more time with God.

I could form new habits which make my family's life easier as we age. I can search for new-to-us tv series or movies.

And become more creative in all that I do.

Basically, I can improve upon everything I'm already doing and work at everything 'as unto the Lord'. And I can ask Him to help me view all of Life through His eyes, rather than my old blue ones--

--so that by the end of 2025 I'll be able to say this was the year I did things differently.

"Ask and it will be given unto you."  (I'm sure it thrills Jesus when we ask to become more like Him, to view things His way!)

"Do everything you do because you love God."

--Donna Rigney

"Dear Lord, guide me to use my time well--to develop new skills and form fulfilling habits. Help me to explore beyond what I have known."

--Sabra Ciancanelli


Tom and I are re-watching the tv series, Grimm (go here for my explantion of why I love this show) and we're absolutely loving it again. Not a show for everyone, but it's certainly one for us. (We're watching 'free' via Prime.)

Disclaimer: sometimes we fast-forward through episodes a bit heavy on the 'hinky magic' stuff. Discretion advised.

Anyway, the song Tomorrow Is a Chance to Start Over was in an episode and I immediately added it to a Youtube list. Somehow I'd forgotten about that one.

My oh my, it's perfect for this post and for this time in many of our lives. You can listen here (it's beautiful) or just check out the chorus:

"You are another day older 
Soon you'll be through the dark
Tomorrow is a chance to start over 
You'll re-ignite the spark
Tonight you can lie here on my shoulder 
Soon you'll be through the dark
Tomorrow is a chance to start over, 
Start over again"

And may the shoulder of Jesus be incredibly real to you, my friends, especially these days in which we find ourselves living, days we can--still--make a fresh start each morning!


Here's a lovely video about making your life more creative and what you'd like it to become.

Twenty-Three Paces to Baker Street. An old movie some of you may enjoy. (Free at Youtube.)

These people made me feel so lazy! (Haha.) I do love watching hard workers because they inspire me to get up and do at least a little bit of work around my house.

I found this tiny house wonderful and the couple very inspiring.


I've felt especially happy and grateful since Monday around noon!  

And remember! Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. Have your cards and stamps all prepared?


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Angela said...

Good morning Debra! Just the post I needed this morning! I want to wake up feeling anticipatory. Well yeah, I need to plan things I... anticipate. I loved the video about being creative too. I don't always have to be doing something "productive." We have needed a new series- will definitely be trying Grimm tonight. Thank you for the encouragement today and always!

Betsy said...

Hello Debra! I'm a bit late to check blogs today because I had my ladies Bible study this morning. I just got home, had lunch and dried and flolded a load of clothes. Now I feel I can sit down and "play" on the computer by visiting my friends.
I have also been feeling more hopefully since Monday and I think the ceremony was beautiful in the Capital Bldg. However, I have to keep reminding myself that my hope and faith is in Jesus, not our political system. I truly believe that it won't be long until we see Jesus face to face.
I hope you have a wonderful day my friend.
Blessings and hugs,

Sharon said...

Debra ,it was great to see a new post pop up this morning. I too am a little older than you ,just turned 70 thankfully I don’t seem that age yet ! I can so relate to you. My husband and I watched grim through the plandemic and really enjoyed the battle between good and evil theme. It felt like what we were living in real time. I keep praying for people to wake up and see the truth Thank you for taking the time to blog for us to enjoy

Pam said...

I think it's so inspiring to read all the ideas the Holy Spirit gifted you when you asked for help to shake things up a bit. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that He will help you greatly--and all of us who have the courage to follow Him. Debra, thank you for encouraging us to continue growing in Christ. I needed a little bump in that direction.

Debra said...

Hi Angela! You are most welcome. I appreciate your comments and am thankful the posts are a help. Really. And be sure to let me know if you liked Grimm, that is, if you liked it. heh. Thanks for reading here faithfully!

Hi Betsy! Good to hear from you as always. I am very excited to see how God will work through people in our government and our communities. So much good change is happening already and I feel God is turning things upright instead of the upside down way they were these past four years. We have much to antiticipate in the years to come (I also believe), especially with upcoming revival which will spread across the world. Again, I'm feeling all anticipatory and for many reasons... God is good!

Sharon--hi! You definitely sound like a kindred spirit. And yes! The thing about good versus evil in Grimm--I never tire of seeing good win. :) We're at season 3 during our rewatch and are enjoying it just as much as the first time. Thanks for reading here!

Pam -- thank-you and you're most welcome! I love how God can inspire us immediately when we still our hearts to listen to Him and watch closely all the myriad ways He sends to keep us going in joy. Thanks for reading here so faithfully!

Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra