Friday, January 10, 2025

When God Has Mercy on Your Wrong Guesses

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."   --- Psalm 16:11


(Hoped God wouldn't ask me to share this, but He said it could help people. So here you go.)

Oh for Pete's sake!

I'd treated myself for estrogen dominance when actually mine was the opposite problem. (Some symptoms are cross-overs, so hey. Mistakes were made.)  ツ

Besides, I felt fine. Was eating wiser. More consistently taking vitamins.

Well, I'd followed the online natural help for lowering estrogen (and ridding oneself of polyps) so thoroughly, that by Tuesday night I'd become an estrogen-less zombie. Depleted. (Don't ask. Oh dear.)

But wow. Exactly when I needed this course correction (exactly! Later could've whisked me to a hospital bed), God led me to the correct website, diagnosis, and information. 

Then immediately, before retiring to bed, I ate plain Greek yogurt and cheese. For breakfast I had bacon and eggs. Cocoa with more milk than water. A hamburger for lunch. Two dates for iron.

And oh my goodness. In less than 24 hours, 95% of my problem (again, don't ask) disappeared. Was gone! 

For me, this is a miracle from God. Two nights earlier at Facebook, I'd asked for prayer and I believe they helped lead me to this course correction. This healing miracle.

And for the rest of my life may I always remember this incredible joy of gratitude coursing through my veins. May I never release it, but rather, splash around inside during all my thousands of remaining hours.

May we always feel grateful for our good health!


Remember this?

My first note: the wonderful CW series, Superman and Lois, wasn't over afterall! A 4th (and final) season was added. Wow. We'd kinda given-up waiting. Tsk tsk.

We binge-watched (via Max) the final 10 episodes--and oh my! Those last 9 minutes. Perhaps the best series finale, ever

In fact, I'll share a piece with you. Doesn't matter if you want to later watch the series or if you plan never to. This voice-over epilogue was incredible family-wise, spiritual-wise and otherwise.

Again, it's the epilogue, so it was about what came after the series officially ended. So no real spoilers, imo.

If you have 9 minutes, please watch both. If you only have 5 minutes, watch the second one.  ツ

"I came to this world, alone. But when I left it, I had so much--and it was all because of love. It's the thing that makes Life worth living. Do everything you can to find love. To give it, to hold onto it. Because Life? It goes by so fast."

--from Superman and Lois


My Top Ten Favorite Books of 2024:

Gabriella by Nancy Hartwell
The Brass Keys of Kenwick by Augusta Huiell Seaman
Truly, Madly, Sheeply by Heather Vogel Frederick
Winterbound by Margery Williams Bianco
Mystery of the Red Carnations by Mary C. Jane
The Firefly Summer by Morgan Matson
Put Out to Pasture by Amanda Flower
The Inn at Tansy Falls by Cate Woods
A Minnetonka Summer by Borghild Dahl
Greystone Secrets: The Strangers by Margaret P. Haddix


Hardly gets more encouraging than this!

And why did it require some weeks before I came to the correct health diagnosis? I'll answer that with this:


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


loves2spin said...

I'm so glad for you that your figured out what to do so you could feel well again! Sometimes, I have felt like I was walking through a maze on my journey toward health. Take care.

Debra said...

Loves2spin--oh my, yes! It does feel like a maze sometimes. May God lead us both to the correct passages in this maze so that we don't waste any time and find only His helpful answers!

Blessings, Debra

Betsy said...

Very grateful that you were able to self-correct your diagnoses and provide the best possible medicine, your food to correct the problem. I'm glad that you're back to feeling yourself.

Pam said...

Praise God for coming to your rescue, Debra! Hormones (or the lack of them) can really mess with us. We are in the best of hands when we ask the Lord to help us. I'm glad you shared this with us!

Debra said...

Thanks so much, Betsy, and yes! I've found food to be the best medicine. The right food. heh. Hoping you're enjoying your winter!

Pam--thank-you! Yes, those silly but so important hormones, right? And thanks for confirming God meant me to share this!

Thank-you, Ladies! Blessings, Debra