Saturday, March 15, 2025

"Take the Winter Off," They Said. "You'll Love Resting Like The Trees Do," They Said.

"She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks."   ... Proverbs 31:17


Debra's story: a cautionary tale. 


Back in December, some favorite dreamy-eyed Youtubers encouraged us to take Winter off. To recharge. To relax like God made trees to do and to hibernate like bears. They promised if we lolled around reading books, listening to music and drinking gallons of cocoa, we'd feel refreshed, restored and strong by Springtime.

I thought, "Hey! That makes sense. I'm gonna try it." So I did.

What an idiot.  シ

Maybe those 20 and 30-year-olds can get away with a winter 'slugcation', but not someone in her 60's! Sheesh. By Winter's end, my legs felt like a stranger's. Not mine, but a wimpy someone else's who I had to learn to use, very unsteadily, especially on uneven ground (aka our entire yard).

And then days ago I saw this Youtube video title: 'Death Starts In Your Legs'.  Yikes! Yikes! Soon after, I watched, 'Why I Regret Moving Into a Nursing Home' and really quaked after that horror film.

Basically both those videos stressed that the goal is not to make our lives easier, simpler(!) No, the goal must be to keep ourselves (our legs, especially), strong

So much for remaining a follower of Lillian Gilbreth when one reaches 65.

Now yes, of course, there's balance. Making things easier, but not too easy. And there are times of surgeries and sickness when one needs weeks off on the couch. I totally get that.

But the normal, everyday times or even winters where our streets have an ice skating rink sheen? We can still keep our legs strong at home. Oh, the ideas one finds online for indoor exercise!

So there you go. Another example of something I experienced so that, hopefully, you won't have to. You can still create a dreamy, peaceful life, but--

Keep moving.
Keep moving.
Keep moving--

--for as long as you can. Your independence and health depend upon it.

And yes, I'm slowly regaining my leg strength, one day at a time. (Fortunately over winter I ate healthy for other annoying reasons, so I didn't gain weight, just lost core and leg strength, that's all. ha!) 

Are we having fun yet?

Oh and tomorrow I'm turning 66, but you know? I'm feeling grateful to be aging into a new, different year. Sixty-five was oh so rough, Honey, so I'm anticipating a clean, lovelier slate.  (Weeks ago I put in an early order with God for a warm, sunny birthday weekend and He came through--woo hoo!)


This felt like a birthday present from God: a favorite movie reacted to by favorite reviewers! (Hey, it's the small things ...)


Ha! Talk about making Life too easy sometimes ....

... and gotta love this encouraging idea!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

1 comment:

Pam said...

Happy Birthday, Debra! I sure hope you have a magnificent day tomorrow! And I hope that your strength and stamina return as we welcome spring.

My husband and I were too sedentary this winter, that's for sure! We've started going outside to walk, but guess what...we're still looking for our muscles! That first walk was exhausting, but we're gonna keep on going a little farther every day. This past week, we've been going out in the yard to pick up sticks. We lost 6 large trees and after they were removed, there was lots of debris. That's a good workout. Constantly bending over, then hauling the wheelbarrow to the dump site. Hubby and I can only go for about 30 minutes, then we have to take a break and drink our water. That's okay, tho. Yesterday, I teased him and said we're doing pretty doggone well for a cancer patient and a stroke patient. We laughed together. I thank God for the life He's given us. We're all going to make it, Debra!