Tuesday, January 14, 2025

January This and That

 “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”   --- Luke 10:27


1.) I received such lovely books for Christmas!

Yesterday I finished Three Bird Summer and absolutely loved it. Felt whisked-away to a summer cabin and far from the ice and winter bleakness outside my windows.

2.) These are some of our favorite movies we watched in 2024:

3.) And for months I've meant to show you these autumnal plates Tom bought for me at a thrift shop. Just the prior week I'd pointed to similar dishes in a tv ad, expressing my wish for them then, poof! He arrived home with these:

Don't you love it when God makes Himself obvious like that?

4.) Oh and guess what? Tom, Naomi and I have our own on-call-24/7 personal doctor.  ツ 

His name is Dr. Eric Berg and we discovered him at Youtube 5 or more years ago. Anytime we have a question about our health we zip over to his Youtube page and do a search for what may be the problem.

Dr. Berg is so practical. He explains problems clearly and usually recommends a change in diet, using certain vitamins, intermittent fasting, exercise, etc. And being at Youtube it's like he's on call 24/7.

We appreciate him.

Oh, in case you're curious, I'm still all healed up! (See my last post.) Even my legs are better in all this cold weather (I'm more careful to take my krill oil pills and I think that makes a difference. And keeping my granny lap blanket on, also. heh.)

5.) And in case anyone wondered, I'm taking a break from Instagram. During a difficult time during March and April of last year, Instagram proved a source of comfort and help and was much appreciated!

But that grace appeared for just a season and you know? It's ok to release what we once needed. To hold onto what we learned, then move forward to help others with our gainings.

Perhaps I'll return to Instagram someday. Never say never, right? 

6.) Which reminds me, I highly recommend asking for prayer by way of social media. I did that last week and experienced a miracle! (See my previous post.)

Sometimes I think God is just waiting for us to humble ourselves and ask for prayer. Perhaps it's like creating a door to a miracle where no door existed before.

Just something to consider.

7.) And speaking of social media, I so agree with this:

8.) Here are two delightful booktubers I'm not sure I've ever recommended here:

9.)  Now, I don't take a ton of vitamins, but I needed help remembering which ones I'd already had each day (and also my lemon juice and 2 dates). So months ago, I made a simple chart on which I could check-off the vitamins I'd taken. Each chart lasts some weeks.

Works great!

10.) And here are a few Youtube videos to keep you busy:

Amish Man Dies, Meets Jesus  (this is so powerful for anyone who tends to become a bit crazy in following all the 'rules')

Help! Our House is Rotting (this continues to his wife's vlog.)


And for a smile ...


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Betsy said...

Or a bus, or a bicycle. Ha! Thanks for the reccomendations. It's always nice to find some things to watch after Christmas.
Blessings and hugs,

Pam said...

Debra, I'm glad to hear that you're still feeling well. I'm a fan of Dr. Berg, too! He seems to be such a solid source of information, and he explains things in a way that even I can understand, lol. Love "God sees what you can't see..." Amen, sister! Looking forward to checking out the links you gave us.