Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Where Her Lifestyle Diet Must Change AGAIN

"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."   --- 3 John 1:2


So good ol' Debra has to tighten-up her lifestyle diet again

She's got an annoying (yet at least pain-free) 'lady problem' (sorry to my male readers) and after research, now knows certain foods will help. Exercise, also, but what is new about that?

Anyway, in my research I keep spying the term 'cruciferous vegetables' which I don't recall hearing before:

"In general, cruciferous vegetables are cool weather vegetables and have flowers that have four petals so that they resemble a cross."

You know, cross. Like Jesus Christ, crucified. That's not hard to remember nor easy to forget. 

The bad news? There really isn't any except, ok, sugary foods are out. Well, not my homemade morning cocoa without which, hey, life would hardly be worth living.  シ Oh, and also no (regular)bread, milk or cheese and very little red meat.

But the processed junk, yeah. Gone. Currently I'm searching for healthy desserts which actually taste like a treat--and with this blessed Internet? That's easy.

The good news? I love (no, really) the list of these-will-fix-you-right-up foods. A few are here:

Berries                       Green salad                   
Garlic                         Chicken
Cauliflower                Tuna
Turkey                       Walnuts
Tomato                      Sweet potatoes
Broccoli                     Beans
Peppermint               Apples, pears
Peanuts                     Avocado, pumpkin

Truly, this getting older stuff is not for wimps. I mean, if we're going to whine about every change we must make, well, we'll experience more downer days than lovely ones--and who wants that?

What I recommend is to ask for Grace. 

She reminds us of what we have rather than what we lost. 
And what is still worth celebrating. 
And how much stronger we'll be at the end because we accepted what couldn't be fixed, then fixed the rest with God's incredible help.

All while stepping through Life trusting and singing.

More good news? After just a few days of tweaking diet and exercise, the annoying-ness of the problem is disappearing. I feel terrific, even, so color me grateful! 

Also, checking out the comments after Youtube videos I'm seeing many women were helped making these same simple changes. Many.

I bought some cruciferous extracts supplements. They're awesome.


Books I Finished Reading in September (what a month of terrific books!)--

Put Out to Pasture by Amanda Flower
Truly, Madly, Sheeply by Heather Vogel Frederick
The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip by Sara Brunsvold
Bodies and Bows by Elizabeth Penny
In Farm's Way by Amanda Flower
Spurgeon Gems by Charles Spurgeon
Mystery of Hurricane Castle by Joan Lowery Nixon
Crime and Cherry Pits by Amanda Flower
If Life is a Bowl of Cherries--What Am I Doing in the Pits? by Erma Bombeck


A movie we enjoyed:

The Author, The Star and The Keeper. (But oh my, when I realized who played the (old) dad, I felt ancient. We used to watch him in the 90's when he and we were young. Sigh.) Oh, and I'll add: this movie, like other Christian ones, starts out slowly and made me wonder, "Do we truly want to watch this?" But yes. Yes, I'm thankful we did.

Around five days a week I go driving through America's small towns with Joe. Well, via Youtube. heh. His videos (he travels with wife, Nicole, but she's only sometimes shown) feel so comforting, not to mention educational, sobering and enlightening--
--plus, I'm able to see the comments on our tv and folks often tell stories of what it was like growing up in these towns. So interesting!

Here are a few to get you started (his latest ones about the state capitols are just clips of longer ones and don't include his drives through Small Town America)--


Oh, and speaking of cocoa, lately I'm adding a tiny pinch of allspice to each cup and wow! Perfect for this autumnal time of year.


And as I shared at Facebook:

"After 56 hours of non-stop search and rescue, he found 40 people alive under the rubble.

This is a canine hero, Husky."🙏🏾🥰


Not sure I'll ever be actually 'retired', but I love this shirt anyway!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Pam said...

Thank the Lord you're feeling better, Debra! I think we must be open and willing to change up our diets whenever needed. I guess our systems keep on changing as we go through life. You're right about Grace making all the difference. When we read God's word and ask for help, Grace will soon show up to lead us along. May God continue to bless you with health.

Looking forward to the links. Thanks, Debra!

loves2spin said...

I know you said dairy is out, but I want to mention that years ago, I started brewing my own milk kefir. Ordinarily when I had to take an antibiotic, I would end up with vaginitis (vaginal yeast infection.) I found that after I started brewing and drinking milk kefir every day, if I took and antibiotic, I NEVER had a problem. I have a blog where if you look over on the right hand column, you can see a list of posts about milk kefir. I wrote that some time ago, but the information is still good. I bought my original kefir "grains" from Ebay. Now that I'm eating a whole food plant based diet (no oil), I don't use dairy anymore anyway. We do brew water kefir, but I don't know if it would have the same action. I'm post-menopausal now, so things are different. Good luck to you!

loves2spin said...

p.s. my blog is -

Sandi said...

That little picture is so true. The original healing herbs.