Saturday, September 28, 2024

Lies, Lies, So Many Lies

"For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light."   --- Luke 8:17


Now, hang in there till the end, ok?


During the beginnings of covid hysteria, I remember hanging laundry in our basement while asking God, "Why is all this turmoil happening?".  Instantly into my mind popped this: "Exposure. It's all about exposure."

And ever since, I've watched that happen. Slowly, the shocking exposure of the lies they fed us for decades is rising. 

Let's start with an easy type:

Twenty years ago Naomi alerted us to stuff like that, things you had to dig to discover because it wasn't allowed on the surface. Or if it slipped through, it was jeered at and called conspiracy theories.

Finally, truth is rising to the top, but oh, what a battle to get there.

At X (Twitter), I'm saving many of the 'exposure posts' to my profile page, retweeting what others took the time to research. If you'd like to read those posts, you can email me and I'll send you the link.

But those posts are not for 'the faint of heart' (as they say). In fact, at X one person wrote something like, "Some people's minds will never recover from the coming exposure of the lies. All the harm which could have been avoided for them, personally."

And I believe that. 

Yet what I also think? That's a huge reason worldwide revival is coming. To heal the millions of people's hearts whose lives were ruined because of lies touted as truth--and to make their remaining days abundant ones in God. 

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea... In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people."   ---Habakkuk 2:14, Joel 2:28

What are some other areas in which we've been lied to?

Seed oils, eggs, 
sunscreen, medications, 
childhood vaxes , global warming, 
government agencies, CO2, 
meat, fluoride,
medical schools, certain politicians,
the relationship between diet and health, some historic events,
and much more.

I've left that a skeleton list so you'll do your own research and reach your own conclusions. But remember, the truth, as of today anyway, isn't laying around all over the surface. You must dig for it.

Many horrifying lies are now being exposed, but the good news? 

Ultimately, the truth will set us free. Eventually we'll be grateful for it and if we accept that truth and actively use it? We'll feel better all-around.

In time.

Before the truth sets us free, it often dismantles us so to create something new and stronger within.

RFK Jr. really needs our prayers of protection right now as he's exposing major lies from many sources with deep ties to evil.


Vintage oldies to listen to and some gorgeous retro art.

Although I'm no fan of golf, here's a movie we really enjoyed: The Mulligan  .

Feeling stiff lately?  Eating more of these might help.

Oh, and we watched the first episode of the new Matlock show. Enjoyed it and the ending was fun. (And I kept waiting for 'language' but unless I missed it (possible), there really wasn't any.)


Took me a few seconds to get this --  シ

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 

 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


Sandi said...

I like the Wallace quote!

Susan Humeston said...

Excellent and very true about the truth being exposed. I do know that there have always been snake oil salesmen, but in those days, most rural people were self sufficient to a degree and had common sense. Also, snake oil salesmen didn't own billion dollar food companies. It is important to stay informed about what you are being fed. The worst thing is to trust that mankind has your good at heart - they don't and never have.