Saturday, June 08, 2024

Where She Needed More Time Off

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."   --- Hebrews 11:1


Still here! But just barely. heh. 

Heat and humidity swooped in early and broke records (since the 1960's!) and I went into survival mode. (Only some of you understand that.) 

The pleasant thing? The excuse to loll around on the red couch watching the remainder of the Aurora Teagarden movies.

Wow. Tell me you've watched those! Just the right amount of mystery and none of the offensive stuff. In fact, I'm (don't tell anyone) missing the folks of Lawrenceton so I'm rewatching a few episodes.

Er hem.

Anyway, we've returned to cool, Spring-like temperatures and I feel normal again. 

Well, mostly. More time, more healing, more listening and obeying that still, small voice are needed for a complete healing from March's trauma. Seriously, I'm so thankful for God--only He has encouraged me consistently, firmly, yet gently, too, the way I so needed.

Only Him. Oh, kind-minded people came and went, but God came and stayed. How does anyone survive without Him, especially after they invested more of their heart in a cat than they could afford to lose? When their faith wobbled a bit from the sting?

So I'm back to guarding my heart with all diligence--the good, not bad, way--and retracing my steps to where I used to be. And beyond.

And never walking alone.

We discover how strong our faith really is during our toughest times. That's also when we find out who our true friends are as well as how strong God has become within us (and where a few gaps may still exist).


Giving oneself time off to heal requires a bravery of heart, a not-caring that others may misunderstand. A larger caring that what God, Himself, asks is what matters more than all else.


Most of the Aurora Teagarden films are free at Youtube. I watched the available ones in order, then signed up for a free week of Hallmark Movies Now so to watch the rest.
Seriously, I enjoyed these much (and I'm not even a Hallmark fan, so that should tell you something.)  シ


My Prayer Garden this Springtime. Peer closely to spy the red roses:


Darn! Blogger isn't letting me make links today and I know many of you enjoy the places I usually send you. I'll look into it. Sigh.


Books I finished reading in May:

Take the Honey and Run by Jennie Marts
The Mystery of the Empty Room by August Huiell Seaman
Sleeping at the Starlite Motel by Bailey White
The Sapphire Signet by Augusta Huiell Seaman
The Riddle of the Lonely House by Augusta Huiell Seaman
The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank by Erma Bombeck
Mystery of the Red Carnations by Mary C. Jane
Mama Makes Up Her Mind by Bailey White
Mystery on Nine Mile Marsh by Mary C. Jane
The Wonder Years, 40  Women Over 40 by Leslie Leyland Fields, editor
The Sod House by Elizabeth Coatsworth
Mystery at Pemaquid Point by Mary C. Jane


Here is a complete list of the Aurora Teagarden movies in order of their release:

  • A Bone to Pick (2015)
  • Real Murders (2015)
  • Three Bedrooms, One Corpse (2016)
  • The Julius House (2016)
  • Dead Over Heels (2017)
  • A Bundle of Trouble (2017)
  • Last Scene Alive (2018)
  • Reap What You Sew (2018)
  • The Disappearing Game (2018)
  • A Game of Cat and Mouse (2019)
  • An Inheritance to Die For (2019)
  • A Very Foul Play (2019)
  • Heist and Seek (2020)
  • Reunited and It Feels So Deadly (2020)
  • How to Con a Con (2021)
  • Til Death Do Us Part (2021)
  • Honeymoon, Honeymurder (2021)
  • Haunted by Murder (2022)


(Coming soon!)

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Hi Debra, would you be so kind and pray for my daughter. She moved from ND to MA 3 weeks ago. Her sweet cat, Luna, (that she's had since they lived in Alaska,) got out on Sunday and hasn't returned home. They found her twice, but she got away. My sil set up a cat trap, but no luck yet. My daughter is heart broken. Thank you.

  2. I have not heard of Aurora Teagarden. What is that about?

    "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." --- Hebrews 11:1"


  3. Sure, Robin! I'd be happy to pray. Did they try placing Luna's litter box outside? I've heard that often helps. Again, I'll be praying and believing Luna will come home to stay. Thanks for reading here as always.

  4. Hi Sandi! Aurora is a young single woman (at first) who's a librarian in the town where she grew up. Her mom is a real estate agent and they're both close except her mom doesn't like that Aurora leads a Real Murders Club once a month in town. Aurora's curiousity about true crime often keeps her in danger. These stories are taken from a cozy mystery book series. As I said, I loved them! I think you might too, especially if you like cozy mysteries. And they're so decent--no swearing, etc.

    Thanks for asking and I hope you'll let me know if you watch any of these. In fact, I think I'll go back and include the list of movies in order. :)

    Thanks again! Blessings, Debra

  5. I live in GA so I KNOW about humidity! Ugh!

    Boy that neighbor picture speaks a thousand words. Wow

    Oh it does take time to get on after we lose a love. Hugs

    Thank you for the Aurora Teagarten recommendation. My husband is gone for the evening so I just watched the first one. Enjoyed! Liked seeing Marrilu Henner again.

  6. As I've gotten older, I struggle with heat and humidity--a lot! You're wise to stay inside, and those Aurora Teagarten movies sound perfect. I've never heard of them and always appreciate your suggestions. Yep, I spotted those pretty red roses against your cheerful yellow home. So lovely.

  7. Angela--oh my! I couldn't survive Georgia. :) And that's so true about that neighbor. Can you imagine? And thanks so much for telling me you watched the first Aurora Teagarden movie! I'm happy you enjoyed it and yes! I've enjoyed seeing Marilu Henner on those as well. (And I find her type of remember-everything-mind also. Not sure I'd want one, but it's interesting to think about.) :)

    Pam--yes! The older I've become the harder it is to deal with heat and humidity, as well. It's hard at times to give ourselves permission to just need what must be done and no more, right? Thanks for your nice words about the outside of my home and oh! Do let me know if you check out the Aurora Teargarden movies, ok? :)

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra

  8. Hey Debra, I just finished watching "Dead Over Heels" and enjoyed it. Gosh, even tho it's murder/mystery, it's so wholesome. Like stepping back in time. Thanks for the list you gave us.


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