Friday, June 14, 2024

When Your Retirement Dreams Must All Change

"  ... be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you... to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.”   --- Hebrews 13:5, Ecclesiastes 3:1


While scrolling mindlessly here upstairs, I heard a loud thud.

Darn. I knew that meant Tom fell. Again. And while I traipsed down the stairs, I thought (once more), "At this rate, our retirement years will be lived awfully close to home. Like, inside these very walls."

I found Tom sitting upon his bed and asked if he'd fallen. He said he had then he paused and added, "I guess we really won't be traveling much when I retire."

This past year of rough times, we've often had that conversation and many instances? I've felt myself begin to slide below the quicksand of self-pity, beneath its taunting, dark voices.

But no! I cannot afford to do that. I believe in making all my days special (well, I try) and no one has even one special day underneath the mire of self-pity.

How vital to fight against the lies! Those which erase our gratitude and the creativity needed for adventuring within our remaining dreams.

We fight against self-pity with truth. 

So when I hear, "Too bad only your friends can fly places and camp and travel by car or train, but not you," I remind myself that truthfully? At the end of our last train trip I thought, "Truly, four times crossing this country was plenty. Tiring. Enough for me. Forever."

Frankly, home is the most comfortable, pleasant place on Planet Earth for me. My family. My cats. My books, wide front porch, my bed in a wallpapered closet room, our inspirational movies, cozy rooms, gardens and the calm, blue river down the street.

Also, God sweetly gave Tom all the opportunities he'd ever wanted, via various jobs, to travel, both domesticly and foreign. He's so grateful, but only recently has he let the dream die of more such trips. 

Tom's learning to appreciate the whole thing of seasons. How none are meant to last forever, but instead, to be forever appreciated for the time they lasted.

So now? We both love, via Youtube, watching others travel. And what a joy to let them make all those plans, do all that plodding along walking, spend all that money so they can share their adventures with us ...

...we who can no longer travel around the world, but rather, only around the block. With gratitude.

I'd planned to add the other future-related lies self-pity pings me with lately, but let's not lengthen this to the point of distraction.
Since you and I are both aging, probably the voices we hear are quite similar.
What remains? Tell them to hush, then arise in a God-given determination to move forward in joy.

"Does opposition weaken your resolve, even depress you, or does it make you all the more determined to keep pressing forward?" 
-Joyce Meyer

If we never let anything steal our determined sense of creativity, we'll always live in a lovely place.


Would you like to visit one of Agatha Christie's homes? Here you go.

I've been considering returning to crocheting and oh my. This young woman certainly inspired me with her  nine lovely blankets!

Wow. It's difficult to believe this was ever a dated ranch house. What a lovely job she and her husband did on recreating their home.


Our very silly cats, Happy and Poncho.  ツ

Oh, and again... this post is not just about my no longer being able to travel. Rather, it's about bravely facing the things we all must change as we and our circumstances evolve (devolve? heh.).

One of the very best things we can do as we grow older? Become more determined to only let challenges inspire--not defeat--us.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Good Morning and a very happy Friday to you Debra. I'm so sorry about Tom's fall and I sure pray he didn't hurt himself. As I get older, everything about me hurts even when I have a little trip. I don't even have to hit the floor! Just the jolt when I catch myself is enough.
    I sure hope our jaunts don't drag you down. I'm much like you. If it were up to me I would stay in our little condo with my youtube videos, yarn and books, Zoey too. But Dennis loves to go, go, go and I try to keep up as best I can with a bad back and painful hips.
    I admit to being like you in the fact that everytime I make that overseas trip to our kids I swear, "Never Again!" The flight is too long, I'm too tall for the tiny airplane seats and it's too expensive! But then dangle that little granddaughter in front of me and I'm off for some of her cuddles!
    Camping is easier. Dennis does much of the work. I have my recliner, bathroom and very comfy bed of our own. Much less expensive than hotels. But we're not getting any younger. Hitching and unhitching the trailer is very physical with the equalizer hitch. We do have it down to a routine and work well together. And it allows us to visit places for longer times.
    I'm so thankful to the Lord for blessing me with the husband that I have that lets me do what I can and he picks up the slack. I'm watching the sky and believing that soon we could all be in Heaven, enjoying each mooment of adventures as we worship King Jesus.
    I pray for Israel and watch and wait. It does seem that prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes.
    Enjoy each moment my dear friend. I know you do!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Oh wow so true about this aging business! It has really come as something of a shock to me. LOL The changes. Did our grandmother's go through this? I can get really down thinking of the "season of loss." I am trying to look at it as the season I am really getting ready to meet my maker. In an excited way. Focus on Him. Get my heart clean and listen even more intently in this quieter season.

    I hope Tom is OK! Your kitties are precious. I hope they are filling a void. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I'm sorry Tom had another fall. This whole aging process is not what most of us thought it would be. Since Steve's stroke and my ongoing cancer challenges, we haven't even considered getting too far away from home. We've had moments of disappointment, but the Lord is always doing something to bless us and help us over our hurdles. A few days ago, I read Isaiah 46:4. "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Boy, I hit paydirt with that verse. I've read it before, but it came alive to me. The Lord promised to sustain us--and then he says it again. I love imagining us in his arms as he carries us, and of course, knowing he is committed to rescuing us brings so much peace of mind. We are so fortunate to belong to him and to know that he will never leave us.

  4. the way, those kitties are just precious!

  5. Betsy---aww, don't worry. Truly, I have no desire to actually travel. It sounds like way too much trouble to me and makes me tired just to think about it. heh. I'd much rather just read about your adventures and others and watch videos. I'm glad you're still able to get out and that you enjoy it.

    Angela--yes! It is a bit of a shock to actually grow older and unable to do what we once did. I'm trying to find the adventure in what I can still do--some days I do a better job than others. But after reading a book by Joyce Meyer regarding growing older, I find my attitude is better. That's a big help. Thanks for your kind words about our cats! Every single day they make us laugh and I really appreciate that.

    Pam--after writing this post, I heard from lots of folks who also cannot travel like they thought they would. It's been a comfort knowing we're not the only ones. I'm choosing to have different kinds of adventures, finding joy in the search and the doing. It's working! Slowly. heh. Thanks for your kind words about our cats. They do make us happy.

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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