Friday, May 24, 2024

And After You've Waited Awhile ...

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast."   --- 1 Peter 5:10


Sometimes God does make a lot of sense.

Although I felt He'd give us 2 cats as a Job-like way of restoring twice what we lost--still--I felt God saying, "Wait. Wait until you become contented, even happy, at Hobbit Cottage without any cats."

Probably He remembered how I'd written Hobbit Cottage just wasn't a home without at least one cat.

Now, there's nothing seriously wrong with that, but God was giving me a chance to grow past needing something to be a certain way before I could be happy. 

Here was an opportunity to rely upon Him more deeply for my contentment, to grow more dependent upon Him, alone. 

And, well, I appreciate that.

So after the initial grieving weeks over losing Charlie Cat (more intense than I told you here), I began adding more life around Hobbit Cottage so to defeat the pall of death. I --

... gave the outside birds, suet (man, it's devoured in one hour!) 

... filled the birdfeeders more often. 

... paid more attention to my morning quiet time.

... planted seedlings in my tiny terrarium and kitchen window.

... prepared my 6 garden beds for Springtime planting.

... read funny books, watched comedic movies, etc.

And eventually, although I'd, at first, wondered if it could happen? I became happy at home again, without any cats.

And that's when we found the perfect pair of brothers.

I'd prayed for tons of grace in the next cat search, a godly ease, and poof! Naomi took care of the entire thing. Her new cat rescuer friend was ready to release these cuties and Wednesday they appeared at our red front door.

The cream-colored one I named Happy Cat and Tom named the other Poncho Eduardo. シ  I believe they're 18 months old, or so.

We're not forcing anything and slowly they're growing used to us. I think they've taken over Tom's room (heh) and already we see delightful times ahead.

Today's lesson? Trust God's timing, even if it means waiting longer than we'd like (usually does). Our resistance to a hurried sense of impatience shows Him we're growing in a much-needed-these-days sense of godly trust, a complete restoration,--

--as well as a deeper love for an almighty God who will never, ever, vanish, even if we lose all else .

Give God time. He's not in a hurry and the lessons we learn while waiting are always far more valuable than immediately receiving answers.


I enjoyed this (free) Aurora Teagarden Mystery movie. Cute, and just right for a warm afternoon yesterday.

Cheap Snack Recipes for families (or anyone). True, grocery prices have risen, but making food at home is still an inexpensive possibility. 

Miss Annette's Little Farm in the Big City Yay! A new favorite Youtuber. Annette is adorable, a treat.

Oh! Another cozily-decorated tiny house from The Incredible Tiny Homes folks. Loved her ideas and that hanging glass-fronted cabinet, especially.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I'm so happy for you and Tom. Bless Naomi for know your heart was ready. Both look like such a sweet pair of kitties.
    That last cartoon is so true isn't it? Always questioning Gods gifts aand goodness to us. And praise the Lord for the baptisms. Hallelujah!

  2. Congrats on the new kitties!

  3. YAAAAY!! God sent you two very handsome cats! I'll bet you're all enjoying them. Aren't kitties interesting--they like to call the shots when getting acquainted. No, that's not true, they like to call the shots all of the time. Anyway, our cats have always tried to be in charge. I thank God for all that has transpired in recent weeks and months for you, Tom and Naomi. And I thank Him for loving us so much, that he supplies every single need--even fur babies. Enjoy your boys!!


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