Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Zombie Lady On The Red Couch

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."   --- Psalm 147:3


Oh dear.

You missed the zombie lady on the red couch. Scary sight, that, what with her sad stare, nearly lifeless body and shriveled heart. The returning snow and cold outside the icy glass windows, also.

The tragedy with Charlie Cat? Not a test, but rather, a spiritual attack along the lines with Job's story. You know, as tho' satan told God, "Let me take away Debra's new cat and you'll see if she still loves you."

Spiritual attacks. They come after you've sown good seeds. Done things right. Made a difference in peoples' lives. They are undeserved and meant to shut you down. Make you useless. 

I'm used to small ones, but this one shattered me.

(While I'm here, this is why you'll almost-never hear me criticize Christian leaders. The more people one ministers to, the more intense and consistent the attacks and temptations hurled. Oh, what they must experience!)

Man, not since nearly 25 years ago (long, unfair story) have I experienced such wild, varying emotions: anger, devastation, confusion, grief, regret, weakness, and a lack of hope in returning to whom I'd become. 

Yet faithfully Jesus is leading me through this mine field. He reminds me of myriad lessons and takes me new places like, well, Instagram, with healing words like these:

"This pain is only temporary, but my joy will be eternal. This suffering will last for a season, but my perfect body will be a new, immortal creation. These cries are only temporary, my worship will continue forever. This broken heart is temporary, my Healer is all-powerful and His promises are trustworthy."     


"Every tear you cry He sees. Every hope you lost, He restores."

Also, while watching my Gilmore Girls movie dvd's, Jesus reminded through this song that I'm not unbreakable (very humbling) and this song made me yearn for my former creative, happy self (a right step).

Anyway. Now I understand why some people experience a tragedy, trauma, and are never the same. Why they choose the tempation to build concrete walls, aid no one, stop all risks, and hide for their life's remainder.

I get it now. 

But with Jesus by my side, I'm not going there. He's helping me to--in Time--choose a different outcome. His.

Oh, and I've been in Facebook jail a week. I think. They're not letting me use any text in my posts, only memes. Gah. Didn't need that on top of all else whether it's simply a glitch or something else.


These past 2 weeks, Youtube also helped my sorry self (though truthfully, a couple times I thought, "Man, I'm even getting sick of Youtube!).  シ

How had I never heard of Lustron houses? I find them fascinating. Last week I watched probably 10 videos about them. Here's one more.

Such a peaceful video, this one. Made me want to live on a small boat! Well, for a few moments there. heh.

And although it's been difficult counting my blessings these past two weeks, here was a lovely one. The book I ordered to read on my birthday: Winterbound. One of the best new-to-me books I'd read in a long time.

And as I shared at Facebook (the post which may have landed me in FB jail, for it was the last one with text) ---

Lately Tom and I watch one episode of CHiPs each evening. Always as it ends, we feel we traveled back in Time.
We recognize that 1970's world.
We understand the cars, the clothes, the stores. We understand the people and the way they talk face to face and go out, have fun, and do not stare at their phones or wear pajamas in the streets.
People weren't perfect, ok. But the masses weren't as stressed-out and angry back then. (Your experience may have varied.)
I still believe things will change someday, but in the meantime? We're thankful for shows like CHiPs to show us a world we understand better than the one today.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I am so sorry you are going through all this. I hope that with the return of warmer temperatures and sunshine your spirits will improve.Life is so unfair sometimes.

  2. Thank-you so much, Dolores. This really has been horrible. I appreciate your kind words and yes! More than ever I need some consistent sunshine.

    Sandi--my last post explained the loss of Charlie Cat. I'll include a link here and perhaps go back and add it to this post for others who didn't see it the first time.

    Thanks, Ladies. Blessings, Debra

  3. Hi Debra:
    I'm so sorry for what's happened with you since Charlie Cat passed. It hurts so bad and only Jesus can make it better. I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better, but I also know it will never go completely away.
    What makes me happy these dark days? Knowing that soon we'll, (those of us in Christ), soon be going home to Heaven. I truly believe that the world is falling into place for the events in Revelation. I plan to continue chugging along, giving, loving and serving as I can as we wait. Maybe I'm wrong with the timing, but what does it hurt to anticipate His return for us?
    I'm praying for you Debra. I wish you could feel my big hug.
    Blessings and love,

  4. Debra, thank you for sharing what you've been going through. Although I feel for the pain you've experienced, I appreciate your honesty and willingness to open up. I know that there will be people reading this post who can identify with what you've said. We all desperately need God's help--much more than we can even imagine. I will pray for you, dear friend. May the Holy Spirit invade every corner of your home and bless you with His peace and hope. May you feel His love and protection from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Rest in Him.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.