Monday, April 01, 2024

April This And That

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."   --- Romans 12:12, Psalm 147:3


1.) First, how am I feeling? (Thanks for asking. heh.) My post from Facebook explains it--

On this most holy Easter morning, I awoke, for the first time in 3 weeks, with my heart back in one piece. Like a suddenly miracle.
In fact, when I checked my email, a woman on Craigslist finally answered an inquiry I'd made about the cats she's giving away and you know? Even if it comes to nothing, I'll be ok. More than.
We really do serve a risen Savior who heals our broken hearts!

But oh Honey, what a rough season, one beginning 15 months ago, a season of shaking, rather like this:

"The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain."   --- Hebews 12:27

Many have experienced a season of shaking since 2020 (didn't I spy some of you in that silent waiting room of healing?). I'm sure they/you would agree that it's now we discover who's in our 'village', who truly cares--and who does not.

And that's a good thing. 

Yet it's wild how often our village ends up not being the people we thought, but rather, the ones who showed up when we needed them to.

2.) Don't you love it when you discover music which perfectly fits as a soundtrack to your life? Here's my current favorite one. This is my second best-loved soundtrack. 
These songs follow me around my upstairs rooms and change the atmosphere into something special, like an adventurous movie.

3.) Oh! Homestead Tessie told us about compressed soil bricks made from coconuts. What a great idea for us of a certain age who'd rather not lug around huge bags of soil. You just add water to them, one brick at a time if you wish, then they expand inside your bucket or wheelbarrow. 
Though not filled with nutrients, it's supposed to hold the water in your soil better when mixed with your other potting soils, compost, etc. I'll let you know how it goes.

4.) A special thank-you to Dolores for introducing me to Hope Ann at Youtube!
Here's the first video I watched. Then I chose this second video because Hope Ann gives us a tour with the story of her generational family farm. I'd wondered how she came to live there.
If you appreciate peaceful, slow-paced videos with nature, books, decor and simple living, you may like Hope Ann.

5.) The books I finished reading in March--

Addie's Mountain by Kate Willis
Truly, Madly, Sheeply by Heather Vogel Frederick
Winterbound by Margery Williams Bianco
Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander
Sea View Secret by Elizabeth Kinsey

6.) How do I feel about the upcoming eclipse? Well, certainly not all fearful like some folks. Rather, I'm thinking it'll just be a sign from God to remind us that satan's darkness only appears to cover the light for a very short time. 
The light will always return to shine brightly again.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."   --- John 1:5

(But you are stocked-up on groceries and supplies just in case, right?)  シ

7.) We watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 and enjoyed it. In fact, Tom shocked me by saying it felt like a Top 10 movie for him. Me? I loved the Greek sunlight and kept staring and staring at it. 

8.) This podcast with Mike Rowe and Neal McDonough was so delightful that I immediately watched it over again, the second time with Tom. I can't even explain why I loved it. Just watch, if you wish, for yourself.

9.)  For years in a draft folder I've kept at least 10 photo home tours that I absolutely loved. Often I'd revisit them and wish my home resembled theirs.
But you know? Last month I looked them over and thought, "Hmm. Where did the magic go? Where's the delight I used to feel when viewing these houses?"
The good news? I realized my own rooms, in many cases, now delight me more. They've grown along with me and become exactly what I like.
And that contentment is a relief. A joy. A blessing.
(Currently I'm adding my rooms to Instagram. If you'd like to join me there, I'll send you a link if you email me at )

10.) If you adore pink and white dollhouses, these will thrill your heart!

Happy April to you!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Thank you for this post and letting us know how you are doing, I like all the Scripture, your thoughts and the links. Blessings to you this April.

  2. I so glad that things are better for you Debra. I seem to be a "day late and a dollar short" these days. I'm always a day late checking blogs. Mom is taking a LOT of time. Just as I was getting online yesterday, we received a call from the assisted living that she was having an "issue". Off went the computer and into the car we went. Again. I also know this is a season and I feel awful for her, but somedays it's really hard to not have a life of our own anymore.That sounds so selfish and I'm ashamed of myself.

    It's hopeful news about the kitties. I hope it turns out perfect for you and will be waiting to hear. God does heal our broken hearts, it just isn't in our timing, it's His.
    I'm going to check out the links you gave us, hopefully later today. I'm off to check on Mom again in just a few minutes.
    Blessings and hugs my friend.


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