Wednesday, March 06, 2024

The Good News. The Bad News. The Free Chandelier.

You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon you because he trusts in you.


It's wild how emptying our head of complaints can create tons of room instead for creative ideas. I like to imagine it as the axiom we learned in school--

... two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

That chandelier I showed you? Just one idea which arrived only after I gave-up (released) the clutter of I-need-a-different-house whinings.

I absolutely stare at that chandelier. Love it, especially when the sun shines, causing tiny rainbows to dance across the ceiling.

Well, (you're sitting, right?) I actually found a place for another chandelier(!) At the end of this looong area upstairs, there's a tiny, indented space beside the chimney, just the perfect place for yes, another one.

In fact, before the chandelier arrived, I lugged-away-down-the-street the ugly large-ish table lamp sitting on the floor nearby. How good to create a bit more of empty floor space.

I know, I know, another chandelier? But hey! Why not, especially when I ordered it for free with credit card reward points.

Today's lesson? Let it go. You know, the it-isn't-fair-or-even-my-fault clutter, touchable and not.

Release it all through your windows (or by way of bags in your car) and then welcome the creativity just waiting to move into that space, instead.


What (if anything) do you tend to often complain about? Has God shown you a way to release the complaints so to make room for gratitude and fresh ideas, instead?

Everyday we can splash around--at least awhile--in creative endeavors which elevate our happiness.


Now, for the bad news which I'll share as I did at Facebook:

This wasn't supposed to happen. Charlie Cat's test results came today and the doctor said he's in early renal failure. It's so rare for such a young cat. We'll pick up special food and pills for him, but--barring a miracle--it's an attempt to sustain his life for as long as possible.
This is horrible and truly, we need a miracle. We do believe in miracles! Thanks for your prayers. Maybe I should've stuck with my no-more-cats verdict after Daniel, but then, I wouldn't have missed meeting Charlie. What a sweet cat he is and he did help our hearts to heal.

So there was that. 

But you know? Before the vet (who sounded sad over the phone) gave us the results, Charlie had, the day before, begun eating much better! And he still is, this week later.

So God's used that to encourage us. We've chosen peace and belief that all will be well. That he'll continue to appear perfectly normal. Even the vet sounded hopeful yesterday. 

And personally, I am choosing just to celebrate each day that Charlie's still here. To love on him for however long I can. To appreciate him fully, like now, while he's curled up on the guest bed or leaning against my hip on the red couch.

To love this life God's given me, even at the times it doesn't flow the way I'd like or understand.


Some easy desserts!  Here, here  and here.

Thanks for sharing this today, Tracy! --

"Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]". Proverbs 3:5,6

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. A free chandelier. What's not to love about that? It looks wonderful in that space. I'm learning as we grow older, we spend more time in our home. It's fun to make things as appealing as possible.

    My heart sank when I read about Charlie Cat. I will definitely pray for a miracle. You know, I've been dealing with cancer off and on for 26 years and I truly believe our illnesses do not determine the length of our lives. God decides. He's already eating better--so that's a great start.

    Debra, thank you for the reminder that we should enjoy every moment as it comes. Amen!

  2. I've been praying for Charlie Cat and will continue. God loves our furbabies too and He knows how much they mean to us. I'm so glad that he seems to be improving.

    That chandelier is perfect for that space. And free! You'll have to read my blog post tonight about Dennis's redo of a shelving unit in our living room. I had been looking for months on facebook marketplace and thought that "this is silly". The shelves we have already work just fine in the space, their just all banged up from moving around so much the past three years. Now we're where we plan to stay until Jesus comes for us or we die, so I thought maybe I should do something with that banged up shelf. :-)

    Take care my friend. Life is certainly getting interesting for believers right now with all of the happenings around the world.

    Blessings and love,

  3. Thank-you so much, Pam and Betsy! I always appreciate your faithful comments to my posts. I'm glad you both like the new chandelier and its place--thanks for letting me know. And I appreciate your prayers for Charlie more than you realize. This is so tough what we're going through this weekend, one of the most unfair things Tom and I have experienced in all our decades together.
    Really, thank-you both for caring.
    Hugs, Debra


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