Monday, February 19, 2024

$1,000 For Groceries Every Month?!

"Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. ..."   ---  Proverbs 3:13-18


So while watching a video about inflated prices of food, I scrolled down to the comments. One woman said she and her husband are retired and each month they spend around $980 on groceries(!)

Oh my goodness! I think I got dizzy. Wow.

I told Tom, "Maybe while they both worked, they ate out all the time and never learned to cook from scratch. Perhaps now they're still eating tons of restaurant food or convenience items."

Or maybe they live in New York City or Alaska where grocery prices are nearly double, but even so, that still sounds crazy-high. To me, anyway.

Yes prices are ridiculous now! But as I'm always saying, we are not helpless. Anyone who's determined to make changes, to 'beat the status quo'--can.

We can make our own--

--seasoning mixes
--baking mixes
--convenience foods
--liquid hand soap
--cocoa mix
--laundry detergent
--cooking oil spray
--room refresher spray
--fabric refresher
--spice rubs
--teas from homegrown herbs
--household cleaners

We can --

--use 1/2 (or even 1/3) of a pound of meat, rather than the full pound. Use extra fillers like frozen or fresh vegetables, rice, pasta, bread crumbs, etc.
--grow our own vegetables
--create inflation-proof meals
--dry our own homegrown herbs (and other dry-able foods)
--always have a supply of shelf-stable foods on hand
--avoid buying pre-made convenience foods
--reuse items like glass jars, plastic bags, twist ties, paper bags, cardboard boxes, metal cans, etc.

(All of these ideas, above, can be found by doing searches online.)

Here's a money-saving, grocery-minded post I wrote in 2023. 

Oh, and this year I'm aiming to skip ordering from Aldi at least one week per month. If I do? I'll have saved us $840. (Already since January I've skipped 3 weeks. Having a prepper pantry is a huge help.)

Anyway, may this post encourage you today grocery-wise. Prices may seem out-of-control, but that doesn't mean our spending must be.

Ol' Debra loves saving money on groceries, especially when it frees-up dollars for her to spend in more creative, fun ways like in her story, below.  ツ

Some favorite inflation-proof meals around my house:

stir-fry vegetables and chicken
meat mix, green beans, mashed potato layered casserole
homemade chicken and vegetable soup
crockpot chicken with salsa, sour cream and vegetables
Italian wedding soup


I still think Julia is the best for low-cost meal recipes. I'm loving her cookbook! The majority of her recipes use the items I always have on hand.

Oh! And See Mindy Mom. Love her ideas, also.

You can do a general search at Youtube for other cheap, under $5 meals. Would take anyone days and days to sort through them all!


Last week for Valentine's Day, Tom decided to try something new. Nothing. He would do nothing.

Well Honey, that did not work out well for him. Er hem.  ツ

So early next morning I watched Homestead Tessie (as always) and oh wow. With some gift money, she'd purchased an adorable tiny terrarium! 

Now, that's something I'd meant to buy for years actually, to use it, instead, as an indoor cat-proof greenhouse for starting my garden seedlings.

Oh my oh my! Immediately I ordered one similar to Tessie's, though with a wider door since I'd be taking plant pots in and out. Then I strolled downstairs and told Tom I'd ordered a Valentine's Day gift from him to me. Something I'd desired for years. A terrarium.

He actually breathed a sigh of relief, especially when he saw the glad, excited expression upon my face (a far different look than one I'd worn the previous night). heh.

And here it is, probably the best Valentine's Day gift, ever. (Ladies? Sometimes you just have to give a present to yourself. And you may quote me.)

(Oh and years ago, I had a larger terrarium, but gave it away, for I could find no place for it at Hobbit Cottage. The lesson? Release what isn't right in order to create space for receiving what is.)

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. That's a great list of ideas. I haven't done as much as you have, Debra, but hubby and I both agreed we didn't mind eating less meat, so I did what you suggested. If I'm making spaghetti, chili, etc, I cut the ground beef in half. In fact, I try to stretch all the meat we eat because we need to cut back (to lower cholesterol), and you can really save a lot of money!

    Love your new terrarium! I'll bet your seeds will germinate faster in it, too.

  2. Hi Debra! Sorry I've been MIA. Gosh, Dennis and I sure had something and now Mom has it too. I don't think it was a cold, pretty sure it was influenza. It's been a miserable two weeks. I even did two separate covid tests a few days apart that were negative.
    These are some great ideas on how to save $$$ on groceries. I do make some seasoning mixes, like fajita and taco seasonings. I got them from an online friend and I think they're better than the ones you buy.
    Your new terrarium is so pretty. Do you know yet what you'll put in it? Poor Tom. Did he forget the big day? We never do anything special for birthdays, anniversaries or Valentines day. Well, sometimes we go to dinner somewhere inexpensive but don't get gifts. This year we said the cruise was for our birthdays because it fell right between both of our birthdays.
    Take care and hopefully I'm back. I'm really tired of this yucky stuff.
    Blessings and hugs,


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