Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January This And That

Keep it new. Keep it alive. Keep it fresh, interesting and fun.


1.) Last year I kept a simple reading journal.

On the first page I wrote, "Books Read In January," then after finishing a book, I'd write the title, then these:


The reaction I kept short, usually, "Loved it," "Enjoyed it," or "Good, but not great."

For 'Form' I'd write, "Hardcover, own it," or "Paperback, own it," or "Open Library" or "Kindle, own it." So helpful to record the form lest later, I wildly search my bookshelves muttering, "I know I read it! Where is it?", forgetting I'd read it online, instead.  シ

A 2023 goal was to read at least 6 books each month and I ended the year with 80. Creating goals (and writing them down) becomes more important--and encouraging--as I age. 

No longer do I have tons of days and time left to waste with 0 goals, no vision nor any record to remind me of progress.

2.) My least favorite thing about winter is that I cannot sit and read outside on our porch. My reading table upstairs is placed in front of the window (which I can open in 30 degrees if I get really crazy), but yeah, it's not the same.

Weeks ago I imagined again how wonderful winter Life would feel if we built a tiny room through that window. Just days later? I spied this local house online:

Oh my goodness. Guess who felt cranky for awhile because she can't have one of those until Heaven?  ッ  

Anyone else wish they had one now? Anyone else ever pray, "Lord, help me to be content?"

3.) One of my favorite booktubers said she wishes there were only two seasons in the year: Spring and Autumn.

Oh yes, Honey. Yes.

4.) Valentine's Day is coming! Are you prepared? Have your cards and your list of recipients with their current addresses?

What an opportunity to add light and love to what otherwise can be a dark, cold month. 

5.) And as I wrote at Facebook:

So for the past decade (more?) I've tossed out too much jam that went old in the fridge. Seems we only eat it super occasionally and then not much of it. I finally found a solution! I ordered these tiny jars from Amazon and each is good for maybe 6 slices of toast if spread thin. No high fructose corn syrup, additives or preservatives(!)
My practical side just wanted to mention this in case this helps anyone else. The 2 boxes I bought should last us for years (knock on wood).

6.) Aren't these gorgeous sunrise photos? (Taken by Scenescapery in our old haunting grounds of Chester, CA.)


If you sometimes have trouble with winter like I do? Search for humor wherever you can find it. It'll help.

8.)  Middle grade books you can read for free:

The Dragon's Secret  (Read this yesterday. It whisked me away to a bungalow in the 1920's seaside in a warm October. Happy sigh.)

The Mystery of the Old Violin (More October beside the sea, this time at an old inn.)

The Pink Motel  (Summertime days at the beach.)

Wild Geese Flying  (an autumnal story)

The Case of the Calico Crab  (a winter at the oceanside story)

Let me know if you read and enjoy any of these, ok?

9.) This week I enjoyed walking around Maine with this guy. I also drove around the poorest towns of MS with him, but those were a bit depressing. Alas.

10.) Always. Even--or especially--in Winter:

Ha! Loved that. Over-thinking can stop any good time.

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. *** "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Debra, congratulations on reading 80 books last year! You met and exceeded your goal. When I read, "No longer do I have tons of days and time left to waste..." it resonated with me. If there's something we really want or need to do, then we'd better get started (and we better take notes lest we forget).

    I meant to tell you how much I like your reading table with the glass top. And that new rug from Naomi is perfect beneath it.

    Hoping and praying that the worst of your winter weather is over. I will keep you in my prayers.


  2. Thanks for being so thoughtful, Pam! I always appreciate your comments and your taking the time to make them. Always. Thanks, too, for mentioning my reading table and that rug--they've been such a delight during this winter weather and I have something new, also, that I placed above them. More about that next time. Thanks again, blessings, Debra


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