Monday, January 15, 2024

Adventure Is Where--And When--We Find It

" ... but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment."   ... 1 Timothy 6:17


Today it's popular (for younger folks, especially) to live all minimalistic stuff-wise and to quip at Youtube, "You'll live a happier, better Life if you go out and have adventures rather than staying home collecting (and enjoying) your stuff."

Well Honey, today we're surrounded by snow and even strolling down to the Salvation Army drop-off or the Little Free Library would be foolish for this nearly 65 year-old lady. And driving somewhere on ice? Uhm, no.

Also, when your husband has post-polio issues, you make his steps count--and take them cautiously to mostly just doctor or hair-cut related places. Plus, he has a full-time job via online, here at home, so there's that.

Am I complaining? Not even. Mainly I'm just encouraging you in 'similar boats' (shall we say), to not allow those Youtubers and others to shove you into the Guilt Ship for enjoying your home or your stuff.

God has given us all good things to enjoy and that includes the things and stuff He blessed us with, perhaps through our prayers, even.

Take this 'gel fireplace' for instance--

Now, I know things aren't supposed to make us happy, and yet? That fireplace still shoots cozy darts all around my heart. God provided this for us when they were everywhere (unlike now) and I burn candles in it 3/4's of every year.

And recently I ordered a glass top for my reading table here upstairs--

The adorable rug was a Christmas gift from Naomi.

Never do I tire of the leaf shadows which dance across that now.

Oh, and because I wanted my tiny bedroom to look only like a room, not a closet, I removed the clothes pole. Yet afterward, placing my in-season clothes in drawers and under-bed containers just didn't work, so I created this tiny closet--

(I guess those slanted walls are good for something though I'm still not a fan.) Instantly my life became seriously-easier.

And finally I found the perfect items for my kitchen windowsill.

What happens when I discover what feels like perfection around here? I leave it alone forever. Anyone else?

Solving puzzles. Many different ways exist, you know.

2023 in many ways proved rough for us, but oh, the adventure of fixing what irks me and making beautiful what I can. The satisfaction of creating an easier lifestyle for this gal who's no longer in her 30's.

What am I saying? I'm grateful Tom and I had our outdoor adventures for whole decades while we could. We cooperated with God and found the energy, time, ways and means so to create our sweet memories.

Yet in these later years, our adventures differ--and that's ok, even if others don't understand.

And while we watch younger folks (and even some same-age friends) cross entire continents, still we feel grace-infused to live and thrive as we do: close to home, to each other, to God and smack dab in the center of godly contentment.

(I ordered this sign from Amazon to remind me.)  シ

Currently the Buffalo Bills are asking for more snow shovelers at Highmark Stadium for this afternoon's game. Uhm sorry, but no. heh.

What makes anything an adventure? Our thoughts concerning whatever it is we're doing.

"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.... But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.  --- Hebrews 13:5, 1 Timothy 6:6-8


Squeeze one more bedroom (and another bathroom door) into this tiny farmhouse and I'll call it perfect.

Often I watch the Incredible Tiny Homes company videos and this one wins for the loveliest decorated (imo). 

For those toying with the idea of retiring on cruise ships, you may want to watch this video first.  ツ


"God intends to provide us with a hopeful future, even when circumstances might suggest otherwise." --- Shawn Bolz


Adventures in
Watching TV travel shows
Food supply prepping
Online ministry, friendship
Wardrobe gathering
Trying new foods
Repairing and Fixing
Taking walks
Visiting with neighbors

"I can do all things (He asks of me, personally) through Christ who strengthens me......"

...... and the wild thing is that Grace makes Life's tweaks feel as wonderful as the original plans would have.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. This was such an insightful post Debra. I have done a LOT of decluttering in our five moves in the past three years! Most things we haven't even missed. We still have a condo full of our memories, but we've just gotten rid of superfluous things that really didn't mean muc to us at all. You wouldn't think we've rid ourselves of anything if you're just looking around the condo. However the boxes upon boxes of things we were storing and junk in the kitchen cabinets that was never used, etc., is all gone.
    I'm with you on the traveling, etc. We're doing this cruise for our best friends because they wouldn't go without us and they never, ever vacation together. Maybe we'll find we love it and will do another, but I'm just as happy at home watching the world go by. Dennis loves to travel, anywhere at anytime. I want to be with him so......

    Thanks for the links. We've watched the utube couple many times. In fact, we watched one of their videos just last night!
    Blessings and love,

  2. Well, I didn't finish my last sentence because my two little grand daughters came over to play, and I can't do two things at once anymore. I was going to say, Sometimes, it's such a relief to let Grace lead rather than trying to figure it out on my own.


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