Wednesday, January 31, 2024

When You Must Create Your Own Sunshine

"The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, while the soul of the diligent is richly supplied... 
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might."   --- Proverbs 13:4, Ecclesiastes 9:10


This is one of our greyest, darkest Winters, ever. Ugh.

Barely are my usual Winter survival tactics working: time with God, reading at windows, burning candles, watching Youtube travel and decorating videos, walking and gathering fallen twigs outside, keeping rooms lamp-lit, taking plenty of Vitamins D3, B12, magnesium, etc. 

But this Winter, God also reminded me to stay pro-active. Said it was vital never to allow myself to slip beneath weighted blankets of apathy--

Apathy: showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Oh dear. We all have certain weaknesses and that's one of mine, especially in  *&%$#@ Winter.


While speaking firmly to myself (one must do that at times so to restore her Life passion), I began (again) keeping my eyes open wide for ideas, projects, and wow. I discovered the perfect one.

See this photo?

From a group I'd never heard of, it just appeared at Facebook. Immediately I noticed two things: 1.) our guestroom/my office is shaped like that (though the flat ceiling part is thinner) and 2.) the woman made that chandelier fit.

Be still my heart. For 12 years I'd longed to place a chandelier up here. Twelve years! But my still-thinking-in-a-box-sometimes brain could only picture one in the center of the room, you know, the place you usually see them. 

And who wants to step smack-dab into a low-hanging chandelier?

Yet what I'd never considered until spying this photo? Placing a chandelier over my table which (now permanently) sits in front of the window. 


Well, the next day, using a Christmas gift card, I ordered the cutest crystal chandelier, one not requiring an electrician to hang. Saw (thanks to a reviewer) that it would arrive like this--

---but I didn't care! I'd risk the possible frustration because here was my chance for a dream-come-true (in Winter, of all things, even).

A couple days later after 2 pleasant(!) hours while listening to a travel video (and moving the table, cleaning the windowsill, etc.), I'd finished putting together my new chandelier.

I am thrilled. Encouraged. And yes, feeling a bit blown-away that this dream took forever. But rather than waste more hours figuring out just why, I'll simply let the gratitude wash over me.

Lessons in this post--

Do your basic helpful things even while not feeling like it

Stay proactive

Keep away from apathy

Don't tell yourself you can't do something before even trying

Share your life with others 

(I'll write a post about that last one soon.) The woman who shared the photo of her room probably guessed folks would criticize that chandelier (they did), but she sent it anyway and her room inspired me to find a way to make a dream happen. I thanked her, believe me.

We need each other! God placed us here at this time in History for a reason. Many, actually. Always remember that.

Never stop believing for the things God wishes you to have, even if they take forever to arrive. It's our believing that keeps the road cleared for their delivery.

Hooray! Finally the sun returned to our land today. If only I could still do cartwheels!  シ


So I've visited the Niagara Falls State Park probably 20 times, but how delightful to watch this young couple's first-time joy there! (Oh my, I nearly laughed till I cried during their Cave of the Winds portion.)

Oooooo... lovely French Provincial style kitchens.

Having some road blocks with decluttering? This may help.

Ariel's updated house tour!


Yes! Someone gets it.  ッ

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Debra,
    Popped in for a little lift, and once again, your timely words have lightened my mood and renewed my spirit. The bible verse, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might." is spot-on for me. Thank you for this. And the mnemonic—lol!
    Your chandelier is beautiful (what a lot of assembly)! I hope it brings you much joy and illumination—as you have for me today. ❤️
    Thank you!

  2. Debra, you certainly have created your own sunshine--that chandelier is beautiful hanging above your window! I can only imagine how pretty it is from the outside, too. Who knows, someone going by your home might be looking for Light.

    Glad to have January behind us. It was dreadfully cold and dark, and we had so many appointments for hubby. However, he is doing very well, praise the Lord!

    I love the line about never slipping beneath the weighted blankets of apathy. I get it!!! And those French Provincial kitchens--my goodness--I'd be happy with any of them. So lovely. Looking forward to watching Ariel, too.

    Happy February, Debra!

  3. Hi Debra! I'm home and I love, love, love your beautiful new chandelier. It makes me want one. Just think, someone could be walking by your house and look up to see that beautiful light in the window. Maybe it will be just when they need the light. There is so much to like in this post. I think a lot of people have had a yucky January weather-wise and news-wise too. There are so many great things in this post to help us manuever around the gray, not so great, days.
    I appreciate you're encouraging letters to us.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Bonnie--your comment so encouraged me and totally made my day. Truly, thank-you! No, I mean really. :)

    Pam and Betsy--I LOVE how you mentioned the chandelier in the window perhaps giving light to someone who needs it. I hadn't even thought of that for upstairs here, only downstairs where I keep my cross and heart lights lit during the mornings and early evenings. I remember how inspired I was when my neighbor had her heart light brightly lit during a blizzard and ever since, I've wanted to do that for others. So thank-you both for that reminder!

    Blessings, Debra


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