Monday, January 08, 2024

Where She's Practicing For Heaven (And So Can You)

"Your kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."   --- Matthew 6:10

"Heaven on Earth is a choice we must make, not a place we must find."  --- Wayne Dyer


The first book I read this new year? Intra Muros (My Dream of Heaven) by Rebecca Springer. Probably my 10th time reading this.

Back in the late 1800's, God gave Rebecca an incredible dream (while she was comatose) where she spent years in Heaven. Oh, her vivid descriptions of the homes, her family, Jesus, quaint towns, rivers, parks, temples, music, worship, angels, etc.

I described this book to you before, but what stood out during my January reread? How often her daily activities there mirrored our potential ones here.


--took long walks, alone and with friends, all in unity

--listened to beautiful music

--gazed upon rivers and other gorgeous nature

--read books

--spent time in her home visiting with family and friends

--walked within her home's rooms feeling much gratitude

--listened to great teachers 

--spent time with her family's dog

--ate delicious food

--wore beautiful clothes

--spoke with kindness

--sang songs of gratitude when her heart was full

--shared with others what she was learning

--created lovely things such as lace curtains

--worshipped God with her thoughts each day

--visited with friends in their homes and gardens

--laughed from pure joy

--spoke with family often about God's goodness

--gave her family little gifts

--entertained no fear, only a pure trust in God's wisdom

---and more. (I don't recall her gardening or dancing, but I, personally, would add those.)  ッ

Oh my. Practicing the things of Heaven while still living upon this dark, confused Earth--and bringing down the very Light of Jesus to others!

Could there be a better set of New Year's Resolutions than those above? 

"I am already in eternity."   --- John Fenn

Intra Muros can be found in Kindle format for $1.99 here  or $2.99 here.
Or read it free (with the original illustrations) at Open Library here.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart..."   ---Ecclesiastes 3:11


For Christmas, Naomi gave me some ginger hot cocoa mix and I got spoiled because usually I must gather 3 jars, plus vanilla, plus milk to make one simple cup of cocoa.

So. At Facebook I asked for mathmatical help in multiplying out my simple measurements for one cup. A friend and my nephew helped me come up with a simple mix for an entire jar of mix(!) 

As I'm always saying, we need each other! And what a blessing when we share our help and our lives with each other, something so simple to do online.

Anyway, if you're curious about the homemade cocoa mix, here it is:

The updated version as of January 30, 2024:

1 c. powdered creamer
1/2 c. powdered baking cocoa
1/4 c. sugar plus 2 tbl.'s
3 packets Stevia

Mix well in a bowl, then pour into a pint canning jar.

Place 2 tablespoons mix in an average mug (like an old-fashioned Fiestaware one). Add a splash of vanilla and 2 tablespoons of milk (canned evaporated milk tastes best, imo), then fill to the top with boiling water. Enjoy.


So cute! These "once upon a time there was a girl who--" signs. I simply must buy at least two with Christmas gift cards. (Tom and I are attempting a 'no-spend January', but using our gift cards is ok. heh.)

Which of those signs described you best?

Oh, and in honor of the passing of David Soul, I'll mention that Youtube has full episodes of Starsky and Hutch.


Books I Finished Reading in December:

The Secret of the Marmalade Cat by Milton Lomask

Death and Decluttering by Nancy McGovern

Miss Marple: The Complete Short Stores by Agatha Christie

Mystery in Hidden Hollow by Mary C. Jane

Alibis and Arranging by Nancy McGovern

Suspects and Sorting by Nancy McGovern

The Adventure of the Seven Keyholes by August Huiell Seaman


Perfect verses for 2024! --

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. That dream sure sounds interesting. How wonderful it would be to experience Heaven beforehand. Maybe some of the evil in the world would stop.
    Enjoy your Monday my friend. We're in a Winter Storm Warning with 10-12 inches predicted. Nothing yet and it was supposed to start by 4:00 am
    We'll see. I'm cozy at home in my nest and very happy here.
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. When I read your list of Rebecca's daily activities, I was reminded of the fact that we can choose much of what we experience in our daily lives. We are changed when we look for heaven right where we live.

    Thanks for the hot chocolate recipe, Debra! We're supposed to be getting wintry weather this week, so I might try to mix up a batch.

  3. Betsy--so happy that you made it through the storm ok and that you're feeling very cozy and contented in your own nest!

    Pam--so true! I'm thinking we'll be surprised that in lots of ways, Heaven will be like Earth--only in a more perfect form. Looking forward to it all!

    I think I'm going to add a bit more cocoa powder to that homemade mix, then perhaps add an envelope of Stevia to each cup. Seems to come out better-tasting that way, especially when I add canned milk! :)

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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