Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Notes

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."   --- 1 Thessaloninas 5:18


Thanksgiving! We vowed to make 2023 a whole entire year of Thanksgiving and what we got? Eight months of one bad circumstance after another.

Oh Honey.

But color me extra grateful today that we made it through. That with God pulling us along and reminding us of everything we'd ever learned--we came through stronger. More hope-sighted. I think.

Way more appreciative, anyway, of these past 3 just-tiny-troubles months and much more likely to dance with deep joy, inside, over daily, small blessings.

And what I learned, especially since last October (2022) when something scary happened in our driveway and Naomi needed to move inside our basement? -- 

-- when real friends hear you're facing a hard time, they say/write something. They do not read your Facebook or blog posts then just poof! move on with their day.

Call me what you will, but I'm thinking it's that simple.

And using that definition it actually surprised me to discover who my true friends are now. And who had, instead, er, uhm, moved into the acquaintance slot.

Hopefully that doesn't sound harsh. For me it feels like truth setting me free, truth which simplifies, clarifies and sweeps wrong imaginings out the door. 

You know.

Anyway! Today I am especially grateful that:

--those first 8 months of 2023 are over.
--that embarrassing cyst is off my head.
--this is a snow-free, sunny, warmish Thanksgiving(!)
--little Charlie The Cat joined our home
--Tom, Naomi and I are here together

---and more than ever I realize if God designed your 'village', then it's certainly good enough, even though it may not resemble other families in your address book.

Whew. And I could write on and on, but I'll stop here and say, Happy Thanksgiving to each of you, my appreciated faithful readers!

Gratitude. It's a daily thing.

Yesterday from the Little Free Library I snatched an old (1970's, ok, ok) copy of The Illustrated Walden. My blessing for the day!


A special thanks to my friend, Dolores, for sharing this at Facebook!

Ooooo.... this week my favorite decorating style is French Provincial and country. 

Two upcoming movies:

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."   --- Colossians 3:15


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. This has been a challenging year for our family, too. But I say "Amen" to what you said about the Lord pulling us through. Every. Single. Day.
    It's hard to imagine what 2024 will bring, but we know the Lord will be with us to lead the way.

    I'm thankful for you, Debra. Your honesty and deep faith inspire me to hang in there. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Tom and Naomi!

  2. Naomi is safe, despite the driveway thing. That's a big thankful right there. 💜

  3. HI Debra. I know I'm a bit late in commenting, but if you read my blog, you know I was really sick four days over Thanksgiving and the past two days have spent spent with our London kids trying to make up for those lost four days! They go home tomorrow and it will be so hard to say goodbye, especially to the grandbaby.
    You have had a rough year my friend, and I couldn't believe it when I read it's been over a year since the scare that convinced Naomi to move into the basement. Where has that year gone?
    I love, love the idea that your friend Dolores shared on facebook. I am going to try to do that.
    Take care my dear Debra and Happy Anniversary again!
    Blessings and hugs


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