Saturday, November 25, 2023

When You Think You Can't--But You Can

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, even releasing what I love if He asks me.


In March of 2019, I felt God asking me to give away 350 of my books.

"Whaaat?" I asked. "Three hundred and fifty? That's probably nearly half of all my books." (It was.) "You know how much I love these books I've collected for 35 years. Most libraries don't even still offer many of these! I don't think I can do this."

Yet the conviction persisted. And persisted. And persisted to the point where I knew it would be disobedience for me to simply pretend I'd not felt this nudge within my conscience.

So I began. 

One shelf of books at a time, I lovingly fingered the spines then pulled the easier-to-release books, first. I noted on paper the number liberated, then placed them in bags with various household clutter and walked them down to the Salvation Army drop-off. 

(If the Little Free Library 'round the corner had existed then, I'd have carried the books there, instead.)

Of course, after weeks of culling the not-dearly-loved books, then came the oh-this-hurts-now books. Or ones I believed were painful to release. Many I'd do a quick read-through, (beginning pages, a few middle, some ending ones), then I'd think, "Hmm. At this point in my life, this book doesn't feel as special." 

Clunk, it would fall into my bag.

Months sailed by. Years. Then this morning I added '7' to my Books Given Away list. The total? Four hundred and one. 

Yes, 401 books given away since 2019. Wow.

And ok, some were Tom's, probably 30, but still I exceeded that 350 number and my mind is blown. Four years ago I truly doubted I could release that many books, even with God's prompting and His help.

Yikes about that last part! Oh me of tiny, doubting faith. Ouch.

Well Honey, lesson learned. Now may I recall this one in the future when God asks of me other impossible-sounding tasks. 

I can do all things He asks of me, for He also supplies the strength and grace for body, soul and spirit.

He does! Only when I say yes, that is. And move forward in obedience with Him beside me. Succeeding.

What's on my Christmas list this year? Okay, okay--it's books. ツ 

And that's a major reason why I pulled 7 books from my shelves today. I'm making space for fresh, new books. This is something I do throughout the year and now? My shelves, more than ever, hold only books I currently love. 

And that's yet one more lesson to remember: Always fling away the unused, unneeded, unloved things (anything!) so to make room for what's beautiful and currently appreciated.

It's the loved things, and people, who are not a burden to care for.


Thank-you, Dolores!  シ  --


Happy anniversary to Tom and Debra! Forty-five years ago today we tied the knot and it's been an adventure ever since. I'd not have traded any of these years.


Oh! Anthony Hopkins has another movie coming out soon. Watch the trailer here

And what's doubly interesting is the documentary about its original story which you can watch here. What a joy to learn how folks obeyed God and helped people in remarkable and even scary ways!


And wow! Mark Wahlberg has even another family-friendly movie coming out. Arthur The King. Very cool.

Oooooo.... if you love watching people be kind to each other, go here. (Watch with a tissue. Or two.)


Need some encourgement during your large projects? Keep a simple written record of what you've accomplished. On days you feel you've not done much, refer to your lists and be assured you've made progress.

Sometimes we lack what we'd love to have simply because our life is too crowded with what we don't even like.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I have to say, I am proud of you! That's quite an accomplishment.

  2. First of all, I hope you and Tom had the happiest of anniversaries today. 45 years! The same that we celebrated in September. Congratulations!
    I'm so proud of you in getting rid of books when you felt the call from the Lord to do so. I know how hard it is to get rid of things. We did it once and every so often I do a walk-through wherever we're living and get rid of another box full. It does feel good after it's done.
    I hope your Sunday is a blessed one my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,


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