Monday, November 13, 2023

When You're Living An Impossible Life

"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all."   --- 2 Thessalonians 3:16


So in the midst of a current worldly chaos, I'm watching cottagecore videos and 'soft life' (or slow living) ones with lovely homemakers living beautifully.

They take autumnal walks through forests, return home and decorate with found foliage, then bake cookies and drink tea or hot chocolate. Candles lit, they paint in art journals, then snuggle with a cat (or dog) upon their couch and read a book until their windows reflect the candle glow.

These women make Life appear cozy, peace-filled, warm and golden. Most of us appreciate the inspiration, while others leave cynical, accusatory, whiny comments:

"You must be wealthy to live such a life."
"Who really lives this way in 2023?" 
"You're faking it for Youtube money."

.... etc.

Well, bah humbug to the doubters, haters and cynics.

Even 35 years ago people told me living an imaginative life at home with just one income was impossible. Shaking their all-knowing heads they stated, "Those days disappeared."

But still, I persisted and just carried on, living-out my dreams at home, splashing around in all the creative challenges.

And when, while perusing Youtube, I view my much younger kindred spirits living a 'soft life' during these turbulent years, I smile.

What is a soft life? To me it's one where you creatively round-off your life's harsh corners. It's an attitude. A unique wisdom using a separate type of currency. It's you and Grace discovering ways to live peaceful, artistic days within the tiny kingdom you helped design.

It's using your money differently than others do. 

Brewing your own coffee rather than driving downtown to buy it. Cooking from scratch instead of serving convenience foods. Buying only books you love (mostly at thrift shops) and borrowing the rest. Growing gardens, doing your own yard work, painting your walls. Crafting what you desire. Taking your young children on nature walks or to street fairs or relatives' homes for visits and games.

It's not resenting challenges, but rather, simply fixing them with grace whenever possible (or changing your attitude toward them when not).

It's finding what others never pause to search for. It's risking being alone if that's where your unique life takes you, but not minding as long as you have Jesus, Grace and a few folks who love you.

Just some thoughts on this cold, but sunny Autumn morning. I'm hoping you are well and grace-filled-happy today.

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”   --- John 16:33

How comforting to remember God can make a way where there appears (especially to others) to be none.

Go ahead. Tell me it can't be done and I'll do my best to prove it can. ツ


This video helped inspire today's post:  How to Make Mundane Beautiful

Don't you just love craft-talented women? Making Rabbits, Planting Herbs, And Tea with Beatrix Potter

My Facebook Marketplace Horror Stories.  Ariel illustrates the importance of keeping a sense of humor while creating your new life (though I did skip the last story because she mentioned a mean woman and frankly, I'm tired of reading about those online. heh.)


Oh, and as I wrote at Facebook:

Attention all prayer warriors: I just now discovered that my mom has shingles. She sounded rough over the phone. Any prayers would be appreciated--thanks so much!


Now, usually good movies appear around Christmas each year, ok, but I'm encouraged by many previews lately. It really does seem like movie-makers are trying harder regarding decency, something I've believed with all my heart would happen. Eventually.

The Family Plan  (looks like Mark Wahlberg is keeping his promise about making more family-friendly films)


Oh, November!

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. This is such a lovely post today. I'm definitely going to look up some of those youtube videos. I do love simple things these days with all of the stress in the world.
    I'm sorry for your Mom. I've had shingles and they are no fun. I got the old shingles vaccine but when the new one came out last year, I also got it.
    Many Blessings,

  2. I like Little House on the Mountain on You Tube.

  3. Sometimes I feel as though your posts and the wonderful links nearly transport me to another time and place. Such a lovely experience. I feel for your mother--shingles can be miserable. I will definitely pray for her.

  4. I love this, Debra! And couldn't agree more. It CAN be done (I did it!) and oh, the rewards are so, so worth it. I always had to remind myself that we'd made a choice: live on WAY less so that I could stay home with the kids. Yes, we sacrificed to do that, but I'm so very glad we did. You can never go back and recapture those years.

    I'd love to know some of the specific accounts you follow for simple living, romantic life. Here's one I think you'd really enjoy about a sweet family reviving an abandoned farm in Portugal. Such a dreamy life and they are SO sweet with their two little boys.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.