Thursday, August 03, 2023

A Blogiversary Plus a Different Sort of Giveaway

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."   --- 1 Thessalonians 5:11


So way back on July 25th, my 19th blogiversary came around. Nineteen years blogging! 

Why didn't I say anything? My heart felt like it was, uhm, limping back then (other not-mentioned stuff happened) and I didn't feel much like celebrating anything. Er hem.

But now I do.  ツ 

One thing I love about God is how He can 'restore our soul' and return lightness in just days. The way He truly does makes all things new.

And today? Color me extra grateful, including for the privilege of writing a blog, sharing Life lessons, and knowing you, my faithful readers.

Thank-you! Always, thank-you.

Now, sometimes I do giveaways on blogiversaries and today I'll do a never-before-done one. My current book I'm creating at Mixbook? The one that's a combination of decorating magazine, encouragement book, autumn celebration and (hey, can't help it) cat memorial? 

Upon its soon completion, I'll give away 4 copies. 

But there's a catch. I already know the 'winners'. They are Betsy and Pam who comment here after nearly all my blog posts(!) And Anne who comments most faithfully over at Facebook as does Linda at MeWe.

God rewards faithful encouragers and I also enjoy doing so. May these ladies know I notice every kind word and the ways they encourage me to avoid the 'delete blog' button and to keep writing. 

God tells me also, but it's lovely hearing it from friends, as well.

Yet to all who have ever commented here or at Facebook, MeWe or in Real Life, please know every word makes this whole blogging experience sweeter, more appreciated and lots more smile-worthy.

Thanks to each of you. Seriously. Year after year.

And to Betsy, Pam, Anne and Linda: pease send me your mailing address at Thanks! 
Your book will arrive hopefully in around 3 weeks, depending upon when I actually finish it (er hem) and the extra publishing time.

Our free trial at Apple Plus is finished, but oh my. We so enjoyed Best Foot Forward, especially the movie theater episode (#8?). One of the funniest things I'd watched in years.

Also, the first episode listed there of (the new)Amazing Stories was incredible. At its end, it's as though my heart stepped down from the tv screen and back into my body (which is something that used to happen often in the old great-tv days, but not so much anymore). 
The episode is called The Cellar. For a small price it can also be watched via Prime and perhaps other places. If you like time travel stories, you'll love it. Guaranteed.

My current favorite tv commercial? This one. Oh my, I never tire of it. So funny and how important to be able to laugh at ourselves (watch to see what I mean).

Remember: we need each other.

"Don't be afraid to start again, You are not starting from scratch; you're starting from experience."   
--- Shawn Bolz


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!

  2. Congratulations! I wish I could resume, but alas, couldn't keep up with the changing technology! 🥴

  3. Congrats on 19 years of blogging. I began in 2007, you are inspiring me to look up the day and month. How good of you to reward encouragers. I am thinking of starting a small group of friends from church and calling us The Encouragers.

  4. Congratulations, Debra! 🎉 I always enjoy your newsy posts. I don't reply here often since I don't have a computer and my phone doesn't always cooperate. 😒
    You are a blessing!💐

  5. Oh my goodness gracious! I am so excited for your Mixbook, Debra! Thank you very much!! I appreciate your generous spirit. The fact is, I read and comment on your blog because I receive so much help and encouragement from it. Your honesty about the ups and downs of life makes me realize I am not alone. You sure have blessed me, Debra, and I pray that the Lord continues to inspire every area of your life.

  6. Nineteen Years! Wow! I'm so impressed. I'm looking forward to your mixbook Debra. How sweet of you to offer one to me. Your blog is definitely one I can relate to. You call it like you see, (feel), it. God understands each and every emotion and is right there to help with a heart or attitude change when it's needed.
    I just watched that commercial and it is definitely a funny one. Thank you again and praying that your Friday will be a wonderful one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Happy Belated Blogiversary, Debra ... 19 years is certainly something to celebrate! You've imparted a lot of wisdom during those years and we surely appreciate it (and you!) (Big Hugs!) 🌹🌹🌹

  8. Congratulations, Debra! Your blog is such a blessing. Thank you!

  9. A Huge thanks to each of you who paused in your day to wish me well on this blogiversary! I appreciate your congratulations and thoughts more than you realize. Thank-you for reading here so faithfully!

    Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.