Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Where She Hung a Little Wallpaper Then Realized ---

As we grow older it becomes vital to remind ourselves far more often what we can do rather than what we cannot.


So yesterday I hung that tiny bit of wallpaper in our kitchen. Took me two whole hours! Eegads.

Of course, that includes climbing down the basement stairs for my aluminum ladder, then back up. Then stepping upstairs for the yard stick and of course wiping down the old wallpaper, washing all the frames, etc.

Peel and stick wallpaper is definitely easier (yes! I hope you'll try it someday.). I even papered over the previous yellow plaid and left in the screws for the frames (when you've used as much wallpaper as I have, you learn tricks), but even so. 

Afterward I felt exhausted. Crawled upstairs and took a nap. Moved like a zombie while fixing lunch.

Man, this getting older stuff, right?

Yet I do love the way the wallpaper turned out. I wanted drama there and certainly got it. (If I knew how to miter corners, I'd frame it with molding.) But no, I'll not be hanging more: that's Tom's countertop area beside it and the daily drama (mega stuff) is plenty. Don't want overkill. heh.

What I truly and finally admitted to myself? No way could I ever redecorate a different house on planet Earth. I'll have to wait for Heaven--and that's ok. Finally I can admit that. 

Oh, I could hire someone, perhaps, yet that's not the same (and usually a headache, I hear).

But once again, acceptance comes along. If hanging a simple bit of (easier) wallpaper took 2 hours and exhausted me, that's a clue--and I'll be wise to heed it. To admit I've changed.

Yet today's gratitude? That I used my younger decades to do scads of decorating in a handful of houses. That I spent my days, my years, my self, giddily splashing around in rampant creativity while I still could--

--while I had energy. Desire. And dear Grace who--always--knows the best time to do all things. (If I'd listened only to my own feelings through the years, oh the many failures.)

And to you I would say this: whatever you're procrastinating, do it now or at least begin it now while you can still create your special projects and memories. 

Timing truly is everything.

Seasons. Life becomes easier when we respect (and accept) the seasons of our years.

To me, we learn lessons regarding our current life in layers. Not all at once, but over time. That is, if we pay attention.


Something I can still do? Make upgrades around Hobbit Cottage.

Like, I replaced the cheapo hanging shower caddy I'd gotten from Dollar Tree with a higher quality one. Only took me 12 years. (Sheesh.)

Upon the tiny bathroom cabinet beside our sink, I placed a skinny marble cheese board which just fit. It added a touch of class. No, really, it did. ッ

Katherine at Do It On a Dime alerted me to some new-fangled metal basket label clips which you simply hang from basket handle openings (or the long sides)--

These are a zillion times better than using the sticky type which all fell off years ago, after which I reattached them with super glue (and promptly glued all my fingers together. What a mess.)

Waay back at our apartment, the glass in a cheap frame of a favorite print, broke. Since then it's hung without the glass and looked bad. Finally I thought to place that print inside a frame I was using for one I no longer liked. Gracious. Only took around 15 years for that one. (Good grief.)

Oh, and because daily drinking coffee is supposed to keep gout away, we purchased a small single cup Keurig-type machine. I still say my stove top pot makes the best coffee, but Tom needed something not so labor intensive. 

And yes, we only use the little basket that came with it to pour ground coffee into rather than any ready-filled Keurig cups. Tom says this makes it rather labor-intensive for him, yet he enjoys saving money, too.  ッ

You get the idea, right? How wonderful the gift to view things with fresh eyes and make pleasant, helpful changes.

Oh! And speaking of Tom, for two years he and I have worked on decluttering his office and room most Sunday afternoons. We spend only around 15 minutes. Color me thankful that he's not one of those guys who's quick to quip: "I like my stuff and there's no way I'm gettin' rid of it."  Whew.


And I forgot to mention last time that with Mixbook you can make all the photo books you want for free. Online ones, that is. Your friends can even (again for free) view them online when you've finished.

Need a new hobby? That's an incredible one. Techno-educational, too.

"Your life is worth documenting."   --- copied


---and a big thank-you to all who congratulated me on 19 years here! I appreciated each comment so much.


Playing around with photo filters.  :)

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I absolutely love the new wallpaper. Of course, I'm a fan of birds and nature, and the colors are so rich. When you talked about getting your ladder, then the measuring stick, etc, it reminded me of how exhausting nearly all household chores have become. (I'm just 7 months from 70 whaaaat??) Debra, I completely agree with encouraging folks to do what you want to do as soon as possible. Life can change so quickly. Thanks for the tip about drinking coffee to fight gout. My husband loves coffee, but had cut back recently. I'll tell him to drink up!

  2. I'm echoling Pam on the coffee tip. Dennis has gout episodes once in awhile but had cut back on his coffee consumption. I'm going to tell him to drip at least a cup a day. :-) He'll be happy.
    Great advice on doing things while you can. This summer has been a bust as far as camping goes because of Dennis's hand issues. Since they messed the surgery up and he has to repeat it with even more invasive surgery, he won't get the cast off until October now at the earliest. I really want to go camping before that. Hopefully we'll be going soon.
    Take care and big hugs.

  3. Pam-- I'm glad you like the wallpaper! As with all my photos, the real life version is much nicer. :) And yes! The daily coffee seems to really be helping Tom, that, and his cherry pills and cherries. We read in many places that coffee helps drain the bad stuff causing gout. Tom's always been pretty much take-or-leave-it with coffee, but now he always takes it, like, for medicine. ha!

    Betsy--yes! As I told Pam, drinking coffee (if one can, which I can't. Bummer.) really does seem to keep gout away. I didn't know Dennis' hand surgery was messed up--oh no! I'll be praying the new one goes better and that he will heal really soon so you can go camping before winter comes along!

    Thank-you, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.