Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Got Communication?

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver."   --- Proverbs 25:11


(Don't worry. Tom knows about this post. heh.)


So after we lost Daniel the Cat, Tom got a little weird.

Years past whenever he'd walk by Daniel on the red couch, he'd pause, pat Daniel on the head, speak lovingly to him, offer him treats, etc. After I'd go upstairs to bed, he'd sit beside Daniel or lay next to him upon the carpet. You know.

Well, that sad, sad week after Daniel went away, Tom would walk past me on the red couch, pat me on the head, stoop to kiss me, talk sweetly, etc. 

"Gracious!", I thought. "This man needs another cat."  シ

Then he kept ramping up this behavior and I kept saying, "But I'm still in mourning for Daniel! Your romance timing feels off and do I detect a bit of mid-life crisis happening?"

But still he persisted until finally I paused our tv show one evening, turned to him, and then asked, "Okay. It's time to tell me what's really happening here."

And for the next hour we had one of the best talks in all our decades together.

My, my, my. To place it into one sentence: For too long we'd had too many holes in our communication filled with too many assumptions.You'd think after 44 years we could read each other's minds, but hey. I guess not.

Talk about 'clearing the air'! The new atmosphere of Hobbit Cottage feels exactly like that. Fresh. Cleaned-out. New.

The air wasn't even bad, exactly, before that, but just not as wonderful as it could've been.

For years God's convicted us about making assumptions in all areas of Life, how they too often lead to mistakes, misunderstandings and a need for apologies afterward.

And now? More than ever we get it. Always choose communication over assumptions and truth over the lies floating around your head, for on the other (godly) side is a brighter land of light and freedom. 

But the gate to that glowing, gleaming place? It only opens with the password of Honesty. Open, humbling, honesty.

Never believe the burden clinging to you today will still be yours tomorrow. God can bring clarity, light and freedom in a single day if we simply do what He asks.

And for Heaven's sake, let's all keep our sense of humor these days, ok?


You know how it's possible to grow used to the scratched, broken-down, shredded things around our homes, right?

Well, lately I'm going after them. 

Like, I bought these--

--then went around coloring-in all the scratches on our furniture, cupboards and wooden frames. (This one was fun, I mean, who doesn't like coloring?)

Our 15-year-old front porch rug was all shredded on the side, so I bought a new, smaller one which doesn't reach to the rug-ripping patio chair legs.

I replaced our small, super-ugly brown back porch rug with a cheerful, cherry red one.

I rearranged items in our hutch. Here's my favorite portion (with a camera editing filter on it) --

And although I still like the yellow wallpaper on the skinny chimney wall of our kitchen--

--now I want more drama there. Plus, I've been itching to try out the new peel and stick wallpapers, so I chose a replica Arts And Crafts era type from Wayfair--

Example only. Not our house.

--especially since we have a few leftover items from our Craftsman days, plus, I just love it, what with the birds and all. Both Tom and I enjoy our yard's wildlife.

Can't wait till I hang it!

There's more, but you get the idea.

My goal? To look around all corners and walls of my home and love the way I've decorated them.

It's that simple. And that difficult.  ッ


Enjoy the color pink? You might like this, also.


And as I shared at Facebook:

"If you want to enjoy your walk with God, you have to be quick to forgive."

---Joyce Meyer

"And the truth will set you free."

Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. That wallpaper is just beautiful. I haven't seen the peel and stick stuff but I'll be keeping my eyes open for it. Does it also remove easily or does it stick good and sticky?! :-)
    I get what you're saying about communication. Sometimes you think you've been together so long that you know what the other one is thinking. And usually we do, but not always. And it's that smaller part of the time that can cause issues if you read a mind the wrong way.
    Take care my friend.

  2. How sweet you and your dear one communicated so honestly and truly. I appreciate your words about forgiveness. In Bible study if it comes up I tell people for Christians forgiveness is a command, not a suggestion. Jesus told us we will be forgiven as we forgive. Not easy but very worth it.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.