Friday, December 09, 2022

Slow Lane Christmas

"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."   ---Philippians 4:7


For who-knows-why, I check local real estate online every single day. Some things just cannot be explained, ok?  ツ

Mostly I view inexpensive houses and usually they're not (shall we say) decorated like magazine photos. Yet last week I discovered this living room photo and wow! Fell in love:

Click to enlarge.

The coziness, right? The simplicity, the contentment. The using of what one owns rather than dashing to Hobby Lobby for bags of cheap stuff. The stopping at the right moment, knowing she's hit the perfect note. 

All of it shows.

And see? Here's one simple reason for sharing our gifts. Just viewing this living room reminded me to stop thinking, "Hey! It's already December 3rd and I'm running behind. Or feel like it. Hurry, hurry!" 

(Anyone else catch themselves thinking 'must hurry' ponderings?)

I spied this photo and thought, "Debra, just do what you can to create a cozy atmosphere. One where you and your family can meditate about the real reason for Christmas. Hold onto peace and you'll know sweet rest."

I can do that. And while still feeling only around 87 percent of usual (see previous posts), I'll keep relying upon the Holy Spirit to show me and help me do what truly matters this December month--and leave alone what does not.

And with His wise help, it will all get done, much better than with my own thoughts and choices, even if 'all' appears less this time.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."   --- John 14:27

A great help to me, especially in December? My online Master To Do List. Monday through Sunday I refer to this, then on a slip of paper, add the few tasks for the day. Took me around 3 weeks to perfect this, but after years, still, I'm amazed how most everything seems to almost-magically get done this way.  (Email me if you'd like a copy of mine for an example.

And as I wrote at Facebook:

The death of someone so full of life as Kirstie Alley has reminded me that it all goes by so fast. Enjoy Life! Enjoy God on our way to spending eternity with Him!
(And for me, Kirstie was the only one who made Twitter actually fun.)


The Do It On a Dime gal does it again with Christmas craft ideas from Dollar Tree!

Randi Lynn Reed made a cozy mellow Christmas music video. So many varied Christmas playlists at Youtube this year!

And here's a video which messes with your mind if you do what it says, then pretend you can't get out! Go here to see what I mean.  ツ

Every year I remind myself, "Life will go on just fine if I don't get all the December stuff finished by the 31st!"   :)

December's a wonderful time to ask ourselves if we've become a type of 'Scrooge' the rest of the year. Oh, the sadness of a bitter, disappointed Christian, especially when she doesn't realize what she's become!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:7

    Amen! 💙

  2. I enjoy looking at real estate ads, too. Do you think that's old fashioned linoleum on the floor of that house you like? Our farm house had linoleum that had stood the test of time.

    Debra, it was sobering to read about Kirstie Alley's death. Maybe it's because we didn't know she was ill. I always enjoyed her spunk! She was just a little older than I am. Makes me want to live as well as I can every single day!

    Have a good weekend, Debra!

  3. I really enjoyed your post, Debra. I just started reading blogs again and saw your's while looking at someone else's. Your talking about feeling behind this month sounded like me. I wanted to have lights in the windows, lots of Christmas cookies baked and fudge made and in the freezer by now. All I can say is, "Ha ha ha ha!" I did not feel like doing all that and learned the world will not end since I didn't. But it was nice to hear my sweet husband just tell me as he looked at our Christmas tree, "You have made it so festive and welcoming in here." You are so right about remembering that our focus should be on Jesus.

  4. Sandi-- that's such a comforting verse, right? Very timely for all year long.

    Pam--I noticed the old flooring also! I actually really like it. I've seen many patterns, but never that one. And yes! Ditto to all you said about Kirstie. Sobering, indeed.

    Sandy--that really was so sweet of your husband! It's funny how every year I must remind myself about slowing down and what Christmas is truly about. Glad to know I'm not alone! Thanks for reading here--glad to meet you!

    Thanks so much, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


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