Friday, December 16, 2022

December Thoughts

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart."   ---Psalm 37:4


Still here!

Finally I figured-out why I spent this week's afternoons on the red couch with a blanket and Daniel The Cat. Allergies. Just annoying, foggy-brained-come-and-go-sniffly allergies. Tom and even Daniel have them, too, which yeah, probably means we should buy an air purifier. 

We're looking into it.

Well, I'm thinking it takes a brave--or insane--person to take December off, count her blessings, and relax, instead.  ツ 

Oh, I've done a little decorating. Mailed two Christmas cards. Ordered some gifts. But here it is December 16th already. Good gracious!

And as I often tell you, I much prefer keeping a more natural style of Christmas all year long. A monthly giving of surprises to others and noticing ones God sends, as well. Fairy lights, music, candles, a continuous joyful spirit and having Jesus on my mind 24/7. 

I prefer that lifestyle rather than cramming it all only into one month. Er hem.

Anyway. I forgot to tell you how God, in November, surprised me with another could-only-be-from-Him gift.

See, in 2018 I ordered this Kindle book:

A compilation of vintage teen mystery books, after I finished one titled, The Mystery of the Fires, I thought, "Oh, that was special, the best one!" It whisked me away to 1930's vacation bungalows and families spending summers canoeing, swimming, eating meals at a dining cabin and having organized events, also.

Relaxing and a bit reminiscent of Gone Away Lake. Almost could I smell the pine trees-- it felt that real.

Does anyone else appreciate kindle books and those from Open Library--and yet--you'll always prefer holding books within your hot little hands?

Yeah, me too.

Yet back in 2018, yikes! Actual copies of Mystery of the Fires (via a Bookfinder search) were pricey. So I told myself just be thankful for your Kindle edition. And I was. 

Fast forward to November. With a small heart flame of hope, I searched again and oh! Found a decently-priced copy of The Mystery of the Fires. A new copy, but hey. I could hold it in my aforementioned hot little hands.

The book arrived and with a very self-published vibe, yet (I told myself) I'll take it. Treasure it.

Then I turned to the back of the final page where this is written:

Made in the USA
Columbia, SC
10 November 2022

Wow. God had nudged me to look again the very month this book was republished. I had goosebumps!

And this I know: God pays attention. 

He numbers our head's hair, collects our tears, watches each sparrow drop from the sky. And as long as He remains most important--and we give what He asks to others(forgiveness included)-- freely He sends us the lesser-in-comparison desires of our heart.

If we truly believe. All year long.

When I'm not feeling well I try to find a balance between resting and yet not totally hiding away from a world who needs encouragement.

God has a part. We have a part. Oh, the wonderful things which happen when we both do our parts!


Thought my vintage squirrel could spend the winter inside, away from the snow this year. I also framed the Christmas tree from Randi Lynn Reed's calendar.

I ordered two more tassles. The 'Believe sign' and the Christmas balls and beads were from Dollar Tree years ago.


Oh joy! Cassie at Youtube reacted to the very Christmassy, While You Were Sleeping. She loved it--of course--and what a joy to watch her discover this sweet film.

And Ariel posted two new videos! (Always my day becomes special when she does.) Go here and here.

Oh! And here's a nice Christmas music playlist from Youtube.

Be sure to make God smile by noticing all of His blessings!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea of stretching Christmas all year long, rather than going nuts trying to pull off a monumental event on December 25th. Hey, God did that when Jesus was born, so we don't have to. Every year, I find myself asking, "Do you really want to do that?" It helps me. For example, I don't try to make a gazillion cookies and treats anymore. Just a few will do. Kinda sad that I didn't learn the secret to Christmas bliss until I was nearly 70!!!

    I'm enjoying the big band sounds of Christmas you gave us, Debra. Thank you!

    Ariel's hallway and wall of women is so cool. I want to watch the other video, too.

    Debra, continue to take good care of yourself. I don't think I've ever heard so many people talking about allergies, sinus and cold issues. It's rough. I know you have Christmas in your heart, regardless, my friend.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.