Monday, December 19, 2022

Heaven? Here? Seriously?

"... your kingdom come, 
your will be done
on Earth
as it is in Heaven."   --- Matthew 6:10


Do you ever read books written by folks after they had peeks of Heaven? 
I do, and beginning that insane year of 2020 my imagination often flies up to Heaven for peeks of its own.

In Heaven, you never sit down at a table so to pay your bills. You don't even need money there(!) At stores you chat with the person who created what you're wanting and she lets you carry it home, free, with her blessing.

In Heaven, no one's in a sour mood. Nobody feels offended when others make plans not involving them. Freedom of choice is peacefully respected. Unity of heart is consistent.

Supreme gratitude floods every person's soul and hurt feelings are non-existent.

In Heaven, no one's complaining that the lights are too bright or the music's too loud or not to their taste. All creative talent is valued and seen as first being birthed by creator God, Himself.

In Heaven, everyone uses their unique gift(s) to serve others, making Life run smoothly, delightfully, perfectly. People appreciate all talents/gifts, are contented and busy with their own, and are jealous of none.

And oh, the bakeries in Heaven!

In Heaven, folks always learn new-to-them truth, facts, skills, history and whatever else they've always wanted to know. And no teacher or 'sharer' is ever annoyed when skillfully instructing others. They were created for this.

In Heaven, true Christmas is a constant. It's never pushed aside for later.

In Heaven, no one is ever lonely. Jesus so completes them, contentment is constant, there's always worship, church, concerts, celebrations, theatricals, etc. and friends abound every time you'd like one.

There's endless more, of course.

But what surprises me about that list? It's how much of it is available to live-out here on Earth. How many items we can experience, become good at now with the Holy Spirit's help!

Oh, how much of Heaven truly is available even now upon Earth (with much more to arrive, I believe).

Remember this Bible verse?

"If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men."   --- Romans 12:18

Yeah. It's a bit like that. His will is that we get along, love, as much as it depends upon us. A living in peace now so to practice for our wonderful life ahead.

"Your kingdom come, your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace ... through love, serve one another."   --- 1 Peter 4:10, Galations 5:13

Another way to view what I've stated in this post? It's rather like preparing for a trip abroad. You know, so you'll be ready when you arrive and visit there, rather than being shocked and having to learn everything as you go. (Or something like that.)  ツ

God needs us to heal so to help others, so to be a light and spread His hope!


And as I shared at Facebook:

My heavenly home? I'm thinking it will look a bit like this, below. Or maybe a lot. (Tom will live next-door. His home will be more craftsman-ish.) 🙂 ❤ ❤


(If anyone wants to share a photo in the comments of what theirs might resemble , I'd love to see it!)


I meant to share this last October. It's a woman's home which, from the outside, looks like a typical ranch house, but she's used her imagination inside to make it special and unique!

May your thoughts of Heaven help comfort you, especially this time of year.


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. I have no clue why I thought of this, but do you remember the old saying, "He/she is so heavenly minded that they're no earthly good." I was trying to think if I've ever known anyone who might fit into that category. Couldn't come up with one person. Most of us get so spun up with our lives that we don't think about heaven too often. I was thinking about heaven last night after I heard that one of my mom's dear friends had gone to heaven yesterday. She was 98 (I believe)and in a nursing home. She ate her lunch, and by the time the staff came to collect her dishes, she had slipped into the arms of God. That's how it was expressed to me, and I loved hearing those details. I'm sure that her husband and my parents were anxiously awaiting her entry through the pearly gates. When I do take the time to switch off the outside noise and think about heaven, it brings me such hope and peace. It's worth thinking about. After all, we only spend a lifetime here on Earth, but we'll have an eternity in heaven. Praise God!!!

  2. Thank-you, Pam! I so appreciate your faithfully reading here and your comments and you!Thanks for always understanding what I'm really trying to say. My condolences to you regarding your parents' friend, though how sweet to go so quickly, easily, and to such an incredible place! Merry Christmas to you, my friend! Hugs, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.