Thursday, December 22, 2022

Miracles. They Come In All Sizes, You Know.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.   --- Hebrews 11:1


Remember our need for an air-purifier? Online we searched until becoming dizzy with choices, then guess what?

Yesterday Tom and Naomi drove to the Salvation Army store and found a basic, like-new air-purifier for half-off. Five whole dollars.

Yep! A Christmas miracle which we super appreciate because just that morning--oh my--I mailed a (huge-ish) check to our insurance company for Tom's leg brace because they said (pretty much), "Hey. Can't fool us. Who really needs a leg brace?"

Tom does, that's who. Sheesh. Early December, he stood at the front door talking to our gutter cleaner guy and his leg gave way. He fell. He was only standing, and Honey, this was not a first time

Gracious. Letters from his doctor and phys. therapist weren't enough so Tom will fight this, probably with a video and more letters.

Oh, and did I mention that Snowmaggedon is heading our way? (Yikes!)

Anyway, be it in my mind or reality (who cares?), the purifier helps. Also, I stopped steaming water on the stove. Years past, it helped, but this year, I wonder. And where I can reach, I'm cleaning-out our vents.

How important this understanding: 

I have a part. God has a part. Praying God will do everything, well, that's cheating and only works when truly we are helpless.

Well, I'm not there yet. You know, helpless.

Like, for days I could no longer read books at Open Library, a tragedy for this bibliophile. I asked them what might be wrong, they said, "Update your browser, Lady. We no longer support all of them, ya know."

Well, not in the mood for that, I searched for other online libraries, yet oh dear. Open Library is the best. But then I found the oddest solution (Tom said it was terrific news, but makes no sense.) 

What did I do? I visited Open Library via a Bing search, instead. Success! 

The older I become, it seems the more I must fix things, even including myself. Never considered myself high maintenance before, but color me on the trail to that place. Annoying.

But what I daily remind myself (after telling myself to stop complaining)? All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.

And it will. And is. Even now what matters is that I keep all well within my soul while waiting for my outside world to catch up.

"So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."   --- James 2:17

“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much."   --- Luke 16:10

Oh, and for the record, Tom has had the leg brace for weeks.


A smile for my fellow bibliophiles:

Speaking of that, this young man made the most beautiful library from a closet. 
You can fast-forward, of course, to see the end result, but along the way he gave decorating advice, such as the importance of symmetry, etc. Anyway, wow. Immediately afterward I wanted a library like his and asked God to place one in my heavenly mansion in addition to the larger one I've already asked for, of course.  シ

Here's the latest TCM Remembers. To all those folks who used the acting gifts God gave them: thank-you. Much.

And of course, I'm wishing all my faithful readers the very sweetest and merriest of Christmasses!


Please remember: My posts are always about more than they appear to be. 


 "For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to get an air purifier for such a great price! On the other hand, I really don't understand the insurance company's refusal to cover Tom's leg brace. That really stinks!

    I checked out the video of the closet transformation to a library. That young man did a fabulous job. Charming.

    I so appreciate "All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well." I believe. Christ is with us--Emmanuel. Merry Christmas Debra, Tom and Naomi. xoxo


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