Saturday, November 28, 2020

What I Loved Best About 2020

The short version? In 2020, each of my good experiences felt 20 times better, more appreciated, than in normal years.


We're nearing 2020's end and, no, I'm not saying, "Good riddance!".

I mean, yes, many happenings annoyed and often angered me. There was much death. Plus the cluelessness of people and the displaying of 'doctrines of demons'? They flabbergasted me at times. 

There's that.

But hey, when you truly appreciate challenges, you seek to discover what God's doing backstage and then watching Him move around back there is exciting.

In fact, on October 1st, He and I celebrated 50 years together and oh, all the work He's poured into me! The correction, the lessons, tweakings and changes in direction. The strengthening, encouragement and pulling me up from failing again and again. (Yikes.)

And well frankly, if 2020 had flattened then pushed me overboard, I'd be one embarrassed puppy right now. Always, God prepares us for future journeys: it's not His fault if we didn't pay attention. Er hem.


By way of a simple list, here's what I loved about my 2020:

Tom's dream came true of being able to work from home. This is a blessing, especially because of the post-polio stuff. (The big savings in gas money is pretty cool, also.)

Our local cafe? It closed. Then opened for pre-order take-out. Then closed for ages. And now it's opened regular hours, so guess who's giddy with appreciation?!  And what an honor to support them with both money and prayer.

Two new neighbors moved in and God nudged me to welcome them with gifts. This 2020 year? It just felt uncomplicated (partly), more necessary, to do that and I so appreciated the easy boldness this time. 

(Oh, and our new next-door neighbors are the most adorable young couple, ever.)

I flung away my edited, politically correct Nancy Drew collection, thus creating room for original copies. (Often we don't have what we want because no void exists.) What a delight, these books I bought with my birthday money.

(Oh, and I collected more Judy Bolton books. I can't even describe how much I enjoy these.)

Music reaction videos at Youtube! Oh my, these young folks' reactions to 70's tunes provided hours of a sweet sense of comfort. (According to comments there from others age 60+ , I'm not alone in this feeling.)

Hours spent on increasing my prepper supplies and added knowledge for emergencies kept me proactive, busy, and never venturing near helplessness.

Oh, and I rid our house of over 500 items, learned how to dehydrate foods for storage, returned to candle making, located wonderful kindred spirits at Youtube and Twitter (discovered, also, who my real friends are) and ---------

There's more, but you get it. What a year, one loaded with opportunities to dive deeper into gratitude pools because of all we still so richly have.

Go deeper in God, rise higher in Him as well--and nothing will ever appear the same again.

"When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." ---Luke 5:4

"The path of life leads upward for the wise..."   --- Proverbs 15:24

2020: The year we stopped taking things for granted. The year which showed us what truly matters--and what does not.


Speaking of music reaction videos, here's my favorite one for Yesterday Once More by The Carpenters. 

Since age 15 or so, this has been my favorite of all Karen Carpenter's songs. (I'm not certain I've ever listened without tears in my eyes, though.)


Have questions about the Holy Spirit's role in our lives? This may help.


Ok, you won't believe this. You just won't. But--all year long--I kept last year's Christmas cards and last February's Valentines up on our dining room wall.

I know, I know. But hey, it was 2020, after all.  シ


"Count your blessings, name them one by one..."   ---copied

Have you made your own list yet of what you loved about 2020?

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Karen Carpenter, a beautiful talent lost way too soon. Dennis and I both absolutely adored the Carpenters albums. I have them all on my Pandora playlist.
    2020 has indeed taught us all a lot of lessons. Often I chafe at the restrictions because I haven't seen ANY family at all since Thanksgiving last year. But, I also understand MOST of the reasons for them. I do think there is a lot of overreach though.
    I'm part of a 33 days of prayer and fasting for the election results. Only God knows the outcome and the Bible has examples of prayer influencing the Lords decision, so we pray.
    Dennis says he honestly thinks that maybe we've gone too far, like Ninevah, only we're not listening. I fear that we're more like Sodom.
    But, my hope is in the Lord. I keep trying to do my part of spreading His love and His word to those I meet. And to be kind and compassionite to all. I hope He is pleased.

  2. Debra, thank you for this positive post. Our family suffered a loss due to covid this week and there are others close to us who tested positive. Still, there is so much to be grateful for, and YES, 2020 has brought me so much more good than harm. Praise God!!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.