Wednesday, November 25, 2020

There's No Becoming An Overcomer If We Have Nothing To Overcome

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?  ... No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."   ---Romans 8:35, 37


So last week at Facebook, a pastor (I can't recall which one) was threatening to leave because one of his posts had been shared 10,000 times, then Facebook censored it. He'd grown weary of this happening.

My thoughts? (Do you really want to know?) ツ

I read that and thought, "Man oh man! Your post was shared 10,000 times?? Just think! That means 10,000 folks read it, shared it, and if just 2 of their friends saw it, then that means it reached 30,000! If that many people read my Facebook post, I'd have been thrilled. Then fainted (no, really)."

Did you read the verse at the top? Well, twenty-five years ago Joyce Meyer shared it, then stated something like: "Everybody wants to be a mighty conqueror, but nobody wants to actually have to conquer anything."

Ain't that the truth. We Christians these days! Sheesh. 

Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are censoring our posts? Gasp! Let's run to quiet lands where folks are frolicking (comparatively). People are burning down our cities? Let's hide, cower. Local government is dictating what we can do in our own homes? Let's just wish it all goes away soon."

For decades we've had it too easy. We don't even recognize a fight when the battleground is our own front yard.

This 2020, we're in a battle; why does a fight shock us? Every real soldier expects hardships on the battleground--they'd be flabbergasted if there weren't any, if it was all good times.

Censorship? Mistreatment? Lies? Unfairness? Well, there you go. We've got it all. Things to fight against; there's our clue. You're being censored? Keep speaking, posting. Reword things, tweak them, until they 'stick.' Do what you must--but don't give up.

So can we please stop being all shocked at what's happening and, instead, stand strong, leaving our armor on like we're supposed to? 

After all, we can do this. With Christ we can do anything.

 "There's a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace."   ---from Ecclesiastes 3

"Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand." ---Ephesians 6:13


And as I said at Facebook this morning:

See these two crazy kids? As of today they've been married 42 years(!)
Yeah, they can't believe it, either. 🙂 But they're awfully glad about it and have loved all these good years God's given them together.


And happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! If anything, 2020 has reminded us how our simple gifts are many and have so enriched our lives.

And also, color me so thankful for each of my faithful readers!

Need someplace to go?

How about to this lovely home all decorated for Christmas?

Go here to watch the comedian, Tim Hawkins. I hadn't laughed liked this in all of 2020! (Tom and I both laughed so hard that we cried at the gas station and side effect stories.)

And okay, go here to see my favorite Christmas commercial of 2020 (so far).


"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ... Matthew 6:14,15


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Debra. It will be a quiet one here and believe it or not, we're having enchilada's and not turkey! It's what we wanted and we said "why not?"
    We must be bold and courageous and I haven't given up hope for Trump either. One glance at Dominion and you'll know why. (I'm sure you're up to date on it all anyway.)
    Take care my dear friend.

  2. Congratulations to you two crazy kids on your anniversary. You are right about the battle, people are coming against us and as a song says "Heaven comes to fight for me." We do our part and God does his part. I sent money to the Trump election fraud group at Winred.

  3. I forgot to say HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY!!! I can't believe I forgot and then remembered hours later. I hope you celebrated in some special way.

  4. I just love that photo of you and Tom!! Happy Anniversary Debra, and a Happy and very blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family! I pray that many will turn their hearts toward Christ during this holiday season.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! Be peaceful everyone! Bev

  6. Betsy--enchiladas sound wonderful! It's always nice to mix things up if that's what we wish to do. Oh, and thanks so much for your sweet anniversary wishes!

    Terra--loved your comment and kept nodding my head in agreement! Thanks for the anniversary wishes and I hope you had a special Thanksgiving!

    Pam--so glad you liked that photo (which I keep sticking up there every November because I'm too lazy--and running from cameras--to add another. heh.). Thanks for your good wishes and I'll pray that prayer along with you!

    BJS--thanks for commenting and I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

    Thanks so much, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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