Sunday, October 28, 2018

Why I'll Never Be A Grammar Police Woman

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others."  ... Philippians 2:3,4


Years ago I belonged to an email group which discussed vintage kids' books. 

Sometimes? Ladies would declare that our grammar mistakes gave them headaches/conniptions/eye-rolling episodes.

"'Whose' or 'who's'--come on people! Is it really so difficult?"

"There, their or they're--seriously, try harder!"

"Ever heard of spell check? Use it!"

"Over-comma-ing. Using ellipses or Twitter abbreviations or double negatives. All dreadful. Sloppy. A poor reflection upon oneself." 

No longer do I belong to that group.  

Yet currently a handful of my Facebook friends are of the 'Grammar Police Lady' persuasion. They've little (no?) patience with friends' grammatical errors and sometimes make snide remarks, tease or even share these types of things--

--thinking no one will guess for whom it's meant.

But we do. And then we notice the faulty speller's absence, their infrequent posting thereafter.

As for me? Uhm, no. I'll not be Mrs. Grammar Police. I'll not correct your grammar, especially in a public forum. If I'm unsure of what you meant, I'll ask--but hopefully, with grace rather than a big tsk-tsk growl.

I'll not allow any annoyed feelings over your grammar to blind me from viewing your real hurts.

What bothers me way more than faulty grammar? Poor manners, curt dismissals and obvious pride.

Personally, my goal is to be approachable. I want folks to feel they can come to me with their problems, but if they fear my reaction to their less than perfect explanations grammatically or otherwise? Then I have failed as a helper, teacher or friend.

I've added to a tragedy rather than to a solution. 

I mean, hey. Probably I unconsciously say things in my blog which might make people hesitate to ask me for prayer or help. I hate to think that! But we all have our blind spots, even me. Sigh.

But hopefully, over time, God will help mine (at least some) fade away.

But the Grammar Police Woman thing? That I can say no to. Now, today. That I can refuse to be party to.

Oh, I used to regularly correct folks' grammar, but now? The conviction in this area flows deep within me. God replaced that need for a mega better one. 

All I want now, especially in this blog, is to help people love God more. That's my secret agenda here (in case you wondered). And may all the tiny things which confuse that goal, fall away like scales on a snake.

Over time. Via obedience and laying down much pride. 

"Let all that you do be done in love. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love"   ... 1 Corinthians 16:14, 1 John 4:8

People in this world are becoming more uptight. Christians? As always, we're called to be the opposite of the world. 

Having a problem with feeling small and becoming offended because of it? Go here. Excellent, excellent stuff (more than usual, even).


If your real job is that of an English teacher? Go for it! In humility. In the classroom.   ツ


"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. Excellent post again Debra. There is already too much anger and negativity out there. Thank you for doing your best to not contribute to it. I appreciate you my friend.

  2. Oh my, I am so happy that you posted this. Did it step on my toes? Oh yeah, it sure did but that is most definitely a GOOD thing and I thank you for it. My title not only included being the grammar police but also included the pronunciation police as well [there is NO "R" in W-A-S-H! lol] I am going to save this as I do most of your emails to re-read but also it am going to copy it into a new email and title it so I can easily find this to read and re-read. Thank you so much for sharing. (Hugs)

  3. Guilty as charged many years ago, but I know that on social media and in e-mail when I'm just CHATTING with friends, I don't police MY OWN grammar as carefully, so why should I judge others? I DO wish grammar and spelling was taught more conscientiously in school as it used to be, but I'm not going to judge people's CHARACTER by their grammar! I'd have missed out on some mighty wonderful friends if I did that!

  4. Betsy--thanks so much! Many of my readers assume I don't need encouragement(!), but I'm grateful you realize I do. Thank-you, my friend.

    Debi--oh, you made me smile! I used to always tell my mom that there is no 'r' in Washington. And here she was born in that state--oh my! :) Thanks for your encouragement that this post was a good one for you. <3

    Deb--I'm thinking many of us have changed over the years as we realize what matters, what doesn't and that we'd like, most of all, to help people with what will make the biggest difference in their life.... Jesus.

    Thanks for commenting, Everyone..... Blessings, Debra


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