Thursday, October 25, 2018

Decisive or Wimpy? Oh, What Goes On Inside Our Heads.


" ... the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."   ... James 1:6- 8


So I arrived at the coffee shop to find a cop speaking with a woman.


Turns out, she'd left her (unlocked)car running and as she entered the shop, a man opened her car door and snatched her purse. She and another customer raced after him, later the thief flung her purse away, but he'd kept her keys and phone.

So now  as she filed a report I, of course, memorized the description of the 'perp' in case I spied him on the walk home or later, from my street-facing windows.

(I'm that nosey, good-to-have neighbor the police say is helpful, you know, the kind who watch their windows like Neighborhood TV, noting all the action out there.)

With a hopeful voice, Officer Booth asked the woman if she'd downloaded that 'find your phone' app., but alas, nope. If she had? He intimated that it could've led them, zap! Right to the guy.(At home, I emailed this info. to Tom and then Facebooked my story.) 

A phone-finding app. Hmm. Turns out it's not just for the absent-minded or the wildly-worried parent anymore.

Anyway, my faithful readers know ol' Debra imagines her little neighborhood as a retro Shangri La where ladies still wear aprons and dusters, the sun always shines and we pretend it's 1950.

Well, that darn ol' purse snatcher threatened to spoil my cozy picture and at first? Oh, temptation said, "Better stay inside lest Mr. Roaming Robber accost you. He's probably still racing along your sidewalks, crazy-grabbing anything not bolted down."

So, er. At first I skipped my daily walk. 

But you know? I refuse to let fear guide me (wisdom, yes. Fear, no), so, after a couple hours I, like a wet dog, shook the residual feelings of my morning escapade, grabbed a basement bag of cast-offs, then marched myself right down the street to the Salvation Army bin.

And then felt normal again. Free.

In Today's world? I often remind myself to be decisive. And bold, for if I'm not? Oh dear. I'll turn into an old Mrs. BackAnd Forth.

Maybe I'll take a walk today. 
No, it might be too cold. Or big dogs or scary guys might be out there.
Or maybe...?

Maybe I'll go shopping with Tom this weekend.
No, the crazy drivers might be out whipping around.
Or maybe ... ?

Maybe I'll give additional money this month to the needy.
No, we might need the extra cash. You never know.
Or maybe ... ?

Maybe I'll encourage some friends online today.
No, everybody seems to be doing great right now.
Or maybe ... ?

Ha! I could go on and on for days.

But what kind of a way is that to live, all maybe yes, maybe no? Not a good way, my friend. Not good.

So today I say, be decisive. Make decisions. Be bold and move forward. Yes, even in 2018 it's possible to live as God designed us. Always it will be, for He's terrific at showing us a new way when there appears to be absolutely none.

He's a pro at that.

"God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way;
He works in ways we cannot see,
He will make a way for me."
... Don Moen

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  ... Isaiah 48:18, 19

Sometimes--sometimes!-- we don't feel well because we're not living well.


(And I hardly think that purpose is to hide.)

There is a foggy in-between land called Indecision. Personally, I don't wish to live there.

Had to laugh about this! --


How very little can be done under the spirit of fear. ~ Florence Nightingale


"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. I used to be in a singing group years ago, called “Born Again.” We sang that song by Don Moen, “God will make a way.” You brought back many memories with that line my friend. I must admit, I tend to be very indecisive these days. The world does seem to be getting scarier and scarier and much of the time I preferred to stay in my house. Thank you for the reminder that we can’t spread His love if we stay inside with no communication with others. I honestly just don’t understand all the people that seem to be out there nowadays, who think everyone else’s belongings are theirs for the taking. A 77-year-old woman was attacked in a grocery store parking lot here last week for her purse. She said all that was in it was Kleenex and junk like that. She keeps her wallet and her keys in her pocket. Smart lady.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your story with us, Betsy! I always appreciate hearing from you and as I said over at Facebook, I'm so sorry to hear about the older woman in your area who was attacked. These are scary days, but I'm so thankful we have a big God who still knows how to give us joy in the midst of them! Thanks again............ Blessings, Debra


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