Tuesday, October 30, 2018

So What If I Love My Pets More Than Most People?

"Whoever does not love does not know God for God is love. Be strong in the Lord (love) and in His mighty power."  ... 1 John 4:8, Ephesians 6:10


Please read this entire post before you freak-out, ok?  😉

If you're into social media (as I am), you've probably seen stuff like this--

And hey, I get it. I do. This ol' homebody certainly loves her cats and appreciates their unconditional love.

But nowhere in the Bible is there a verse which says, "Love your pets more than most people."

Trust me. I've looked for one.

(I've also searched for the verse which says it's fine to just love "us four, no more. My family, not yours."

Not there, either. Er hem.)

Oh, but our pets! They've got the unconditional love thing down.

But God. He asks that we love people as He does--unconditionally. So instead of running to our pets for unconditional love, God desires that we draw it from Him.

Then spread the love we found in Him, to people. Everywhere.

Yet that's scary, right? Especially in Today's world where folks delight in squishing us: our dreams, our peace of mind, our souls, even.

But, whew. God's love is gigantic. And stronger than any future mean people coming our way. It's like Neil Vermillion wrote (as God speaking) --

"But also know I have given you compassion that will surpass your offenses (from others). As you have been forgiven, so you shall forgive those that have hurt, forgotten and neglected you. My compassion will flow into you, and your hurts ... will be washed away in the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again. 
This is my gift to you ... so you can walk and abide in joy and peace all the days of your life. 
And as you come to know me and experience me, I will be your great reward despite any hardship, disappointment, or discouragement. 
So come close to me. Release your offenses. Celebrate today as you walk in total freedom and embrace your restoration."

Perfect love dissolves all fear and not even Fido the Dog can give that kind of love.

But God can. And has and still does. And that's the love, the power that He asks that we share with other people, even though, oh, what we risk. Even so.

The giving which love requires! The sacrifice, the going ahead when we'd rather not. God makes it all so worth it.

Obedience always comes with its own rewards, treasure won and seen no other way. It does.


God wants to enlarge our heart. To strengthen, then stretch its walls so we can face more, handle more, help more.

Love--for God and for people--is the most important thing. Until we get that, it's like we're pedaling a tricycle around and around in a circle. Going nowhere, just wasting lots of our energy.


"Greater love has no man than this; that he lay down his own agenda for his friends."  (tweaked from John 15:13)

These are not easy days, but then, God was never into having us do only what's easy. He equips us for the hard stuff.

Oh, and to set things straight, no way am I saying stay around in a truly abusive situation/relationship. This isn't that at all. Not at all.


Over at Facebook, Joyce Meyer asked people to share the funniest story about their kids. One woman shared this and it touched my heart so much. Read it, then I'll tell you why--

Funny and emotional.. my then 4 year old daughter and I were singing along with our church family before the offering was to be collected. Plates were passed and I always gave my lil one her own money offering. She refused to place in the plate. She got teary eyed, I had no idea what could possibly be going through her lil mind. As we were saying our goodbyes my daughter REFUSED to leave the church. Pastor Lonnie approached us asking lil sister in Christ, why the tears lil one? She then wipes her eyes and says: "I’m not leaving, I’m staying with you!" He asked why? She said with her money gripped tightly in her hands, "'Cuz when you give Jesus all that money I’m going to be there to hand him mine so I can get to meet Him!" One of my best memories.


Oh my. Her words reminded me of the times I've felt so close to Jesus that I longed to visibly see Him beside me.

Happy sigh.


And here is another story which concerned a child and blessed me by people setting aside their differences and just doing the right thing. 


Some older folks spend their winters in sunny Arizona or Florida, but here's where I'll spend mine --

The only improvement I'd make? I'd fix it so the colored leaves outside my windows would remain on the trees all winter long. You know, like this--

Oh well. I'll just have to keep them there inside my imagination.


"Walk ... with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love." ... Ephesians 4:2


  1. Kindness. It doesn’t cost a lot but can have such a huge impact. And living here in Spokane I knew nothing about the story of the little boy and his birthday party. How could I have missed that? Thanks for sharing this with us today Debra. It’s a reminder that the smallest gesture can go a long, long way and have a huge impact on the world around us.
    Blessings, Betsy

  2. I agree with you and your post, it is not always easy to love other people, but Jesus insists that we do that. To limit our love to a pet or to "we four and no more" is easy and not what we are called to do. My dog and cat have approved my comment, ha ha. They know I love them and lots of people too including those who were strangers until recently.

  3. I seem to have this bad habit of proclaiming just what you wrote about today and that is my saying out loud to a friend "I know it's wrong but I think most days I like my Kyla [my cat] way more than I do people!"

    Of course that's mostly just times when I'm not having such a great day but honestly, I do know better when I say it and get a little check in my spirit as it still comes out my mouth.

    I do love my cat [a lot!] but also I do love other people as well [most days anyways. Ha! ha!] Thanks again for such an awesome post!

  4. Betsy--that's so true! And I believe the little things have a larger impact than ever because they're now making the news on a daily basis. Most likely because are so tired of hearing the big, bad news. Hmm.

    Terra--oh your comment about your pets approving your comment made me laugh! Thanks so much. Once again, you and I appear to be on the same page.

    Debi-- I so appreciated your comment about that check in your spirit. We all used to hear that term often, but these days, well, it seems like many folks are just 'racing right over that' and going ahead with what they want. So thanks and for sharing how this post connected with you, as well.

    Thank-you, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.