Monday, August 20, 2018

Summer. Ugh(?)

 "I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."   ...   Isaiah 41:10


Usually I love God's inventions. I do! But summer? Eh. I wish He'd never thought up summer.

Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but truly, this constant humidity chases me back into the house, after it turns me all zombie-like  --

(Well, the blood is exaggerated, but the rest seems accurate. heh.)  😉

By now, mid-August? I'm staring out the window at my yard and garden, longing to pack it all up. I've had enough of planting, growing, clipping, raking, mowing, all while trying not to faint. Heck, now I look up at the sky and think, "Wow, a freak snowstorm would be awesome."

Okay, okay. You get the idea. Just wanted to check-in and let you know why I've not been here. 

But also? To say, while wilting 'round here, God's still teaching lessons, especially acceptance ones--

"You need to slow down. And be wise--don't complain these months away."
"Give yourself permission to rest. It's ok."
"If you'll rely on My strength, My schedule, the important tasks will get done."
"If you'll listen, I'll calm your heart, give you joy and Life will still be stuffed with wonder. Can you trust me to do this?"
"This summer heat and humidity, too, shall pass."

That God of ours! He can make my kinda-helpless hours remarkable, even when I'd rather be rushing around, finishing things undone. But He assures me, over and again, all will be well. Projects will be completed. In time.

He's so wonderful that way (even if He did create summertime).  😉

"All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well."      ----Julian of Norwich

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."  ... Psalm 73:26

"This is a test. This is only a test."   ... copied

(A special thanks to Dolores for sharing the Victorian-ish paintings at Facebook.)


And speaking of Facebook, if you're there---

Have you checked out Mike Rowe's mom's page yet? What a hoot is this woman! Rather like dear Erma Bombeck come-back-to-life.

Check out her delightful, much-needed-these-days humor here. I especially liked the post which begins, "My husband has never had an emotion he didn't share,"  and also the post describing museum trips with her husband "where no word goes unread."

(When the 2nd edition of her book comes out, I'm definitely buying one.)


Oh and something which 'saved my summer'? Janet Lambert's books.

Now, I've read some of these since age 15 (back when covered wagons crossed the plains--ha!), but this summer I added never-read-before-ones to my collection. 

Oh, totally devoured these.

My favorites are the two series centering around the Parrish and Jordon families. What a treat that they intertwine, the early days (1940's) with both young families living on an army base and in later years, both becoming connected through various marriages. Check them out here, here and here. Also check them out individually at and

Oh, and I enjoyed Janet's daughter's obituary (oh my, she was 96, which blows my mind because her mom's books--though ok, a bit dated--still feel so relevant and not all that old to me.).

Anyway, you might enjoy the obit, also. Jeanne sounded like quite an adventurous, upbeat person.  Go here.



  1. Hi Debra! Does Mike's mom have her own blog or a page on his blog? I couldn't find anything.

    Hold on a little longer and the cooler weather will be here!

  2. Hi Robin! I included a link to her Facebook blog, above, but I'll put it here just for you. :) Thanks--I'm truly looking forward to cooler weather! :) Here you go (and I think this is the only place where Mike's mom publishes these, at least, as far as I've found)--

    Blessings, Debra

  3. Summer. Our summer is turning into a smoke fest up here in the Northwest. Seriously. The air-quality is the worst today than it has ever been on record. It comes in at 396 this morning. With 500 being the absolute worst it could ever be. And we’re told it will be like that until it starts snowing to put these fires out. Dozens and dozens and dozens of fires all around us. So that’s what we’re all complaining about these days. And yes, I know I shouldn’t be complaining, but it seems like this how are spending all of our summers for the last several years. I’m going to go over to Facebook now and read those posts. I could do was some happy happy. And we’re planning to move back to Nebraska in a few years after Dennis retires. I would rather deal with tornadoes than not being able to breathe every summer. :-(. Am I complaining much?! You should hear some people. Ha ha!
    Blessings, Betsy

  4. Oh my, Mike Rowe's mom is a treasure! Debra, I hope that you'll get some of our weather within a day or two. It's been crazy hot and humid here in the midwest, but it's finally nice out today. I keep thinking we're getting closer to fall...and surely nicer weather is on the way!

  5. I’m with you on the heat and humidity Debra. And I’m pretty sure from our many trips to NY your humidity is much worse out there! We’ve run our A/C a lot this summer and sure we will again this weekend with 90 returning for like the 20th time! Seriously. In Michigan!! We are having a nice midweek break at the moment! I’ve given up on my yard and flowers for the summer. Between the heat and drought and weeds and bugs I’m over it for this year. We are enjoying some great tomatoes 🍅 tho!! Yummy. That was the only food I planted. I always am ready for fall and winter. Glad we live in an area of changing seasons. I enjoy them all but the heat/humidity are my least favorite for sure. I don’t enjoy that!

  6. It is so encouraging to read this post and know that I'm not alone! I'm trying so hard to like August this year and not wish it away but I suspect I'm play acting. I'll know now that if you feel this way there couldn't possibly be anything wrong with it!

    Janet Lambert is new to me, something of a surprise because I'm sure I would have liked them when I was younger and would now.

  7. Hi Betsy! I hope the smoke over your way has lessened by now. Oh my--those fires! I know what you mean about having to stay inside--lately I'm adjusting to needing to stay inside during both summer and winter--oh dear, that's a whole lot of the year to stay inside the house! (Slowly I'm getting some grace on this, though..) Hang in there, my friend!

    Oh Pam! I didn't know you were at Facebook now. I'd love to be your friend there if you'd like that, also. Feel free to contact me via email so I can send you my link. so glad you like Mike Rowe's mom, also!

    Linda--the very best thing about summer--tomatoes! We're enjoying our cherry ones which sprung up again from last year's. So good, right? And almost make this heat and humidity worth it. Almost. heh.

    Dewena--you're so sweet! Thanks. And I'm thinking you'd love the Janet Lambert books. It's such a delight to me (and other old timers) that they're actually on Kindle for a new generation to discover. Of course, I still prefer old hardback copies, but hey! For those not reasonably priced, the Kindle ones are a great option. I have so enjoyed the new-to-me copies I found this summer--can't believe how addicted I became. :) If you read any, let me know what you think, ok?

    thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra


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