Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Grace. Use It Or Lose It.

"But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”   ... James 4:6


Every single day I peek into my town's houses.

Ok, calm down. I look via Realtor.com. 😊 I'm just an ol' house lover at heart. Can't help myself.

See the house at the top of this post? Yesterday I spied it. Sixty-three years old and it's being sold by the original owners(!) 

Tom and I attend estate sales at those and always know when a married couple lived there forever. How? The vintage furniture and knick knacks (especially those in the basement), the carpet, flooring, the bedroom paint colors--all obvious hints. 

We're like Original House Owners Detectives now.

Some kitchens make me gasp, "The poor woman! Imagine spending 6 decades in there." But oh, not this time. Call me nutso (you will), but I'd take this kitchen as it stands--

Ol' 'Vintage Is Better Debra' could have some major retro decorating fun in that kitchen.

And ok, I would replace this carpet in the living/dining room (50 year old carpet being, well, 50 year old carpet) --

But (hold onto something, ok?)--I'd replace it with the same shade of green.

No, really.

And some people would remove the wall to the entry area/room with the big coat closet, but not me--

Nope, I'd leave the wall and decorate that tiny area adorably.

Of course, there's the obligatory green bedroom--

But you simply must see this hiding in the basement--wildly, it's the second one I've seen this week(!) --

Oh my goodness. 

Can't you see the ladies with their hair in pastel perm curlers? Women wearing vintage aqua plastic covers, sitting beneath hair dryers, reading magazines or getting their nails done at the tiny table?

Man, oh man. Another room I'd not touch. No, I'd sneak down there often to escape this crazy world and probably play 'beauty parlor' like I used to as a little girl.

Ahh. Houses like that one are a major reason I love Western New York. Tons of folks here stay all their married lives in just one home. 

Now, could I have done that? No--Grace wasn't upon me that way, for I've craved more variety and housing adventures these nearly 40 years of married life.

But now, oh, move me into a house like that one and I'd play Retro Lady until I went all grey and pokey. I'd buy a few old style dresses, wear my aprons and curl my hair (down in that beauty parlor, but of course). My vintage radio music would waft 'round, retro magazines would lay, scattered, and not one iota would I care that we weren't updating the house for a future sale.

Nope, we'd just grow old together, Tom, the house and me. We'd play a 1950's through 1970's sort of Life Game and yes, probably slip happily into a Vintage Land of Senility.

But hey, there are worse places.

Anyway, stay tuned. That house costs more than we'd like to pay, but other very similar ones in a less expensive part of town often pop up.

But in the meantime? Gee, I need to receive more Grace and stop complaining about this meant-to-be-temporary house of mine. For hey, all houses on Earth are temporary (and I chew on that awhile).

May I remember to stop believing happiness comes by my trying so hard to get what I want.
No, may I, instead, receive Grace.
Grace's help and awesome creativity.
Her timing, stamina and imagination.

May I seek to receive from God rather than doing things on my own, without His strength, His 'ok'.

Receive and be joyful, at peace and contented on my way to the permanent home God's building for me just down the street from His.

" I worked hard, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me."   ... 1 Corinthians 15:10

(Oh, and I'm not just talkin' houses here--but you probably figured that out.)

Perhaps we didn't complete our goal because we tried doing it, ourselves. Alone.


A special thanks to my friend, Betty, who let me know that these plates, below--

... are called Ma and Pa plates. I have four in my kitchen now, but where are those three in the photo? I couldn't have sold them before we moved--or could I? Perhaps they're still packed away (nearly 7 years later) down in the basement. Sigh.

But I'm grateful to finally know what they're called. I can now look them up online and occasionally find them.

(These are a sandwich plate size, found for just .25 cents each at a yard sale)


Naomi shared this at Facebook and oh my, after nearly 40 years of married-life I still often feel this way. Guess I'd better ask for--and receive--more Grace!

(Anyone else?)   😁



  1. I love this house. It looks so much like the one I grew up in. Except we didn’t have a beauty parlor in the basement. And grace. Yes Grace is here for me too. Many blessings, Betsy

  2. I admire homes like this, too..... And grace!

  3. Love it! And love all the yellow! 💛. A kindred spirit. I live in a yellow house 🏡 with a yellow kitchen. Love the retro look as well! Makes me want to go see some estate sales if just for the houses! Half the fun, right?

  4. Looking at pictures of the charming older home, and reading these words of wisdom, put a smile on my face. Debra, I especially appreciate what you said about ALL earthly homes being temporary. Sometimes I get way too concerned about little stuff that doesn't really matter. And I always love what you say about Grace. She's available to all of us and she comes bearing incredible gifts when we welcome her.

  5. That kitchen is adorable - why change it when she took such care ♥

  6. That beauty parlor in the basement is darling. Our family home, which my parents had built in 1955 was sold last year, and as you mentioned, only my family had lived in it. Lots of good memories there; no beauty parlor, but in the basement a big train set and ping pong table.

  7. Betsy--loved that this house brought back memories for you. Isn't the basement beauty parlor a delight? :)

    Rebecca--glad you like the house--and grace, too! :)

    Linda--oh, yes! That's actually why I go to estate sales. To walk through the houses, notice the vintage things and imagine living there. It's great fun!

    Pam--so happy I could make you smile! We all forget what truly matters sometimes--so easy in Today's world. I often must remind myself of the wonder of small things. Often. :)

    Carrie--oh yes! I wouldn't change things, I'd just add a few. Old-fashioned wallpaper on the breakfast counter wall. Vintage countertop items, cafe curtains. Vintage paint on the other walls. Etc. A fun project just to think about. :)

    Thanks, Everyone! Blessings, Debra

  8. Regine--thanks so much!

    Terra-- I'm so glad you had a nice home to return to all those years and that you grew up there with fond memories. Basements, to me, should always have fun stuff in them--mine kinda does, but not really. Alas! :)

    Thanks, Ladies! (I just now found your comments on the pending board)


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.